Whoop whoop

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Alab's non canon lore in a nutshell:

Hi im Alab and I wear a I <3 you sweater. That info will come in handy later. Im actually lumi's second favorite character lmao.
So I live in the Philippines until some shæt happened.
I had to move to Brazil where I thought school would be A-Okay.
It didn't.
I was bullied by a guy named Midago
And because my sweater was made by my grandma and looked like a 5 year old.
I had papers for medical school. Wowowowwowowowowowie!!!!1!1!
But Midago tore my papers ;(
We don't know what happens next because the wiki removed my lore and all the others.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2023 ⏰

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