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            " Before we really talked, I thought you were really shy. Which, is a little bit true. You get shy easily " Max says. He leans in closer to Max, listening to what he says. " After we started talking, I found out that you can be feisty. I didn't expect for you to be as sassy as you can be ". He laughs at what Max says.

             " My dad would always say that about me and NuNew. How when we are together, we both become really feisty " he says with a small smile. " Can't wait for the day that I get to see you both acting really feisty. Me and Zee will have to figure out how to handle you both " Max says. He smiles and asks " Does P'Zee like NuNew ".

            " You didn't hear it from me but, he definitely likes NuNew. He likes him a lot " Max says laughing. It causes him to laugh as well. " NuNew likes him a lot as well. He sees P'Zee as his idol. He has since freshman year. Now that I think about it, the day we started talking. P'Zee overheard me saying that I didn't want NuNew to get hurt " he says, smiling.

            " What were you talking about " Max asks him curiously. " I saw you guys walking towards your locker. So I told NuNew. He asked me if he looked nice " he says, pausing as he quietly laughs. " I said that he did but. I said he probably wouldn't notice him. After all. You guys were the popular kids and we were the quiet kids " he says.

            Max just laughs as he continues to gently play with his hair. " he said you never know. To which I replied that I just don't want him to end up getting hurt if he doesn't. But low and behold, P'Zee heard and started talking to us " he says.

            " Why did you walk away when we joined the conversation " Max asked. He laughs lightly. " I used to find you annoying. I don't know why but I just hated how you flirted with everyone. So I didn't want to stay to hear you jokingly flirt with someone " he says. " You sound like you were jealous. I mean, you are talking like you payed close attention to me " Max says, teasing him.

            " Think whatever you want " he says quietly. Max laughs before they fall into a comfortable and peaceful silence. He loves whenever they become quiet and just enjoy being with each other. They don't need any words to feel comfortable together.

       He doesn't know how long they silently stay there in the hot tub. All he knows is that it's for a while. " We should get out and get changed. We've been in the hot tub for a while now " Max says gently. " Ok " he replies quietly before they both get out of the hot tub.

Max hands him a towel. So he quickly wraps it around himself, shivering from the cold air. He walks to the back door and waits for Max to join him. Once Max does, they make their way back up to the bedroom.

When they reach the bedroom, he walks over to the corner where his stuff is and grabs the pair of pajamas that he brought. " I'll go change in the bathroom " he says. " Alright, I'll change out here " Max says. He nods his head before quickly heading into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.

He sets his clothes on the counter before he starts to dry himself off with the towel. When he's dry enough, he changes into his pajamas. He has grabbed a blue oversized shirt and a pair of black shorts that go down to his lower thighs.

Once he's changed, he looks into the mirror. His eyes immediately look towards his neck. Where the dark bruises are. You can hardly see the scratch marks anymore but the bruises look as if they are slowly becoming darker as time passes.

" It'll get worse before it gets better " he says to himself quietly before he takes a deep breath. He then grabs his clothes before walking back out into the room. He quickly sets his wet clothes next to his bag before turning around to see Max, sitting on the bed.

He walks over to Max and stands in front of him. " You always manage to look so small in clothes " Max says, slightly teasing him. " And you always look giant " he says, teasing him back. Max just laughs as he pulls him onto his lap. He quickly wraps his legs around Max.

" No protest to me having you sit in my lap this time " Max says laughing. " No, it's comfortable being close to you like this " he admits as he leans into Max, laying his head down on Max's shoulder. " You're becoming a lot more clingy lately and I love it " Max says, quietly laughing.

" I just feel comfortable when I'm close to you like this. It also makes me feel safe and helps calm me down " he says quietly. Max starts to gently rub his back. " Well, you are free to cling onto me whenever you want to " Max says gently.

He wraps his arms around Max as he takes a deep breath. " Being with you today and doing nothing but relax, has been really helpful. I've calmed down since being at the graveyard. I have also calmed down more since the incident at school " he says quietly. " That's good. I'm glad you are slowly starting to calm down ".

Max pulls him away a bit before he starts to look at his neck. " How is your neck doing right now baby " Max asks him. " I feel like the bruises are getting darker but. Other then that, it's just a little sore still. It's not painful to breathe anymore as well. Which is good " he says quietly.

Max gently grabs his chin before having him move his head. So that Max can get a better look at his neck. " I want to kill him for everything he's done to you " Max says, frustration clear in his voice. He doesn't respond to what Max says. He doesn't know how to. But if he's honest, he does want Max to beat up Aek. To teach Aek a lesson.

He's not one for violence. In fact he hates it. However, when it comes to someone like Aek. He wholeheartedly believes that he needs to be beat up badly. He's a horrible person that doesn't care about anyone other then himself.

" He's lucky he's in police custody. I'd probably beat him the next time that I saw him. Give him a taste of his own medicine " Max says. He leans back into Max, laying his head back down onto Max's shoulder. " I don't like violence but, against him. Having him get beaten up sounds fair. I just don't want the other person to get hurt " he says quietly.

WC: 1154

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