SPECIAL CHAPTER (Chaeyoung's Birthday)

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Something terrible happened last night and I have to cry my eyes out because of the injustice of it all. I haven't slept at all since last night and I seriously still feel bad.

I seriously hate it when I'm being blamed for something that I didn't even know and didn't even have the control with. It's just so unfair. Sorry guys for ranting out. But please enjoy reading. This all for you and your support. Thank you.

I'm publishing this early and haven't edited it anymore. It's supposed to be for Rosie's birthday.

Advance happy birthday, Rosé! 💓


Ha! I knew it's Rosie's birthday. Lol! No more messed up timezone and date. Lol.

Jisoo and Rosie hold a very special spot in my heart because they are my original bias even way before I learned about Chaesoo in the fandom.

Here's another special chapter for you guys; for sticking around and reading my stories.

Imperial is a few breaths away from getting 1k reads! OHMYGOD! Congratulations to us and thank you so much for all your support.

I have been a silent reader on this platform ever since I created my account way back in 2015.

Thank you again everyone! Your support seriously meant a fucking lot.

Enjoy reading!



"Kim Jisoo!" I shouted, feeling my head was about to burst. I just got home from the studio for some part time work. Not really in the front of the camera anymore but more on the editing side, now that I have my own family.

Time flies so fast in all honesty. My kids just turned 3 and I couldn't be more happier. As the time goes by, their resemblance to my wife, Jisoo, is more pronounced than ever. When people notice whenever we're all out and about brings pride to my chest and nobody could blame me for that. The twins are Jisoo's literal mini mes. Both are sweet but my son is as mischievous as my wife. I usually scold both of them because they like to tease Jang-mi most of the time.

But right now, my blood is so boiling because I left the house earlier today in one piece and now when I came back, just literally opened the door and about to enter the threshold, my heels almost stepped into a Lego piece and I lost my balance.

I heard shuffling from the stairs and 2 sets of footsteps can be heard in the house. It's unusually quiet and I'm starting to get nervous about what my kids and wife were up to. I rolled my eyes internally.

"Yes?" My wife and son literally asked at the same time, responding to my call.

I almost face palmed. Of course. They share the same name in the literal sense of it and I'm really beginning to regret it.

Someone has got to be kidding me right?

I put my hands on my hips, glaring at them. I noticed in my peripheral that Rosie is just watching from the top of the stairs, looking a little apprehensive. She probably got that from me.

"What did I honestly tell you guys about toys you're not playing with anymore?" I asked about losing my cool in a moment.

Jichu lowered his head in shame I think as Rosie made her way down the stairs. I sighed and turned my glare to my wife.

"I'm so sorry Mummy. I completely forgot to keep them away because I got so excited about watching Disney+ with Mama," my son whispered and looked at Jisoo, asking for help.

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