Let Me Come With You

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"I can't deny, that is correct..." I sighed, "Yeah, I know." Enid grinned in happiness, "Well, I'm gonna go actually take my shower." I said as I stood up, "Wait!" Enid pulled me back down, straight into her lap, "W-What?" I stuttered, in awe,

"You're gonna leave me in here alone?" Enid said with puppy eyes, "Don't give me those eyes again! I gotta go shower." I said brusquely, "Well, let me come with you." Enid said, "Enid... Are you being serious?" I squinted, "Yes." Enid nodded, "But won't that be a bit... Awkward?" I blushed,

"No, at least not for me." Enid was being totally serious, "Enid..." I slightly laughed, "It's fine if you don't want me to." Enid sighed, "No, it's alright. Come." I stood up, walking to the bathroom, "Ok!" Enid jumped up in excitement, following me into the bathroom.


"See, that wasn't awkward at all!" Enid stated, "Yeah, sure." I rolled my eyes, "Wednesday, you need to look on the bright side for once!" Enid frowned, "I am." I said, "Really?" Enid asked, "Yes." I nodded, "Well then sing a song for me." Enid said, "No." I said, 

"Well then you're not looking on the bright side." Enid said, "Just because I'm not singing? Look Enid, It's a huge step for me to be dating you. That's the bright side for me." I looked up at Enid, "O-Oh..." Enid lightly stuttered, "You are the bright side, the only person that can keep me happy... You are my sunshine, Enid." I blushed,

"Thanks, Wens." Enid smiled, "Ugh, you're welcome." I immediately walked away in disgust from what I had said, "Y'know, I really love how shy you get when talking to me." Enid smirked, "Silence." I commanded, "No." Enid shook her head, walking towards me, "Sinclair..." I frowned, "Shhh." Enid planted a quick kiss on my lips, leaving me in shock,

"Listen Wens, I love you, ok?" Enid looked into my eyes, "W-Well... I love you too.." I blushed in embarrassment, "And to show my love for you, I've got a surprise." Enid held something behind her back, "Welcome to heaven." She showed me a rope, making me cover my mouth in shock.

⚠️NSFW stuff up ahead⚠️ 

Minutes later

"A-ah~ Enid..." I whimpered, "Does it hurt?" Enid asked, "N-No... It's fine." I breathed heavily, "Ok, if you say so." Enid smiled, "Just don't do it too rough." I said, "Got it." Enid said as she slid her fingers deeper, making me shut my eyes tight,

"You enjoying it?" Enid chuckled, "Shut up." I blushed, "Don't be embarrassed to say yes." Enid frowned, "Ok fine, yeah, I'm enjoying it." I exhaled, "Maybe you'll like this even better." Enid said as she hit the right spot, instantly making me weak, "There ya go!" Enid smiled,

"Are you done?" Enid watched as I squirmed around, "..." I couldn't speak because of how light headed I felt, "Y-Yeah..." I could barely get the words out, "Alright, lemme untie you." Enid untied the tight rope which was cutting my circulation off, "Ah, shit..." I murmured in pain, "You ok?" Enid looked at me with concern, "Mhm." I nodded,

You can continue reading if you skipped 🤩

"Alright." Enid said, "I missed my writing time because of you." I sighed in annoyance, "I don't care. It was worth it." Enid laughed, "Yeah, whatever." I stood up, putting some clothes on, "Can you sleep in my bed..?" Enid gave me the puppy eyes again, "Yeah." I held her face, leaving a kiss on it,

"Yay!" Enid grinned, making me slightly smile, "Now cmon, go to sleep." I sat down on the bed, "Ok." Enid laid down, closing her eyes.

I'm sorry this was so short 😭

I cringed the whole time while I was making this 💀

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