Ch 6 |•| what if it's wearing a hat?

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"so you wouldn't let the worm live in your house?"


"Like under no circumstance."


"What if it's wearing a hat?"

"N- wait what kind of hat?"

"Does the kind of hat matter?"

"Of course it does."


"Well if it's baseball cap then no, but if it's a top hat then yes. And if it's a regular cap it depends on how it's being worn. Y'know?"

Clara just looked at Emilio and Andreas in confusion as they rambled on about worms and hats. How did they even get there? They were talking about their favourite colours.

A week had passed and Clara was beginning to feel a little less wary around her brothers. But she was still cautious. All it took was one wrong move and she'd be dragged down to the basement. So she was going to enjoy it while it lasted. Clara was going to do everything in her power to push back their inescapable hatred.

She smiled at her two playful brothers before Riccardo stormed into the living room halting the conversation. The once light and airy atmosphere shifted into one filled with tension so thick you could cut it with a knife. As soon as Riccardo's gaze landed on his sister he sent a harsh glare her way making her breath hitch.

She pressed further into the sofa trying to hide herself from his piercing gaze. Andreas immediately put his arm around her making her flinch slightly. He gave Riccardo his own glare making the angry boy scoff before storming away.

Clara released the breath she didn't even realise she was holding before sinking back into the comfy material of the sofa.

"Why does he hate me so much?" She asked Andreas who still had his arm around his sister.

"He doesn't hate you tesoro, he's just..." He trailed off looking for the perfect word.

"Rude, arrogant, annoying, got anger issues." Emilio said filling in the blank.

"Don't talk about your twin like that." Andreas said pinching Emilio's side making him thrash around. Emilio have Andreas a quick glare but it was gone as soon as it came. Andreas turned back to Clara before he took a breath. "Riccardo's not very good with his emotions. He hasn't been for a while. I promise he doesn't hate you sorella, just give him some time." He spoke softly making Clara nod.

There was no doubt that she was terrified of Riccardo. She would just stay out of his way. She didn't even want to think about risking it.

"So you excited for school tomorrow?" Emilio asked making Clara let out a small groan.

"Why." She moaned making Andreas laugh at her and ruffle her hair.

"You need to go to school. So you can get a great education and then a great job and make loads of money." Emilio said making Clara hold her bottom lip between her teeth.

That was a lot they expected from her. Especially considering she could barely even read. Every time she tried it always felt like the words were flying out of the page or getting jumbled up. The letter would flip themselves and start swimming through her mind. How was she meant to do all that if she couldn't even read? "Yeah." She muttered out quietly trying to silence her thoughts.

School had never been good for her. She had never enjoyed it. Her teachers always hated her. They'd constantly tell her to just try her best but when she did her best it was never enough. She was never enough. For anyone. For her mom, for Andrew, and she surely wouldn't be enough for her brothers.

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