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It was a cold Decembers day at Hogwarts. Most people had already left to spend their Christmas holidays with their families. Harry, Ron and Hermione, however, had decided to spend Christmas at Hogwarts this year.

Hermione loved Christmas; it was her favourite holiday. The snow, the carols, baking cookies and building snow men. The Weasley twins had even started a huge snowball fight last year!

However, this year it felt different. She was so stressed by all the extra classes she was taking and she was worried about Harry. With Sirius black on the loose, he had to be more careful. She felt like Ron  wasn't worried enough about it. He was too busy being annoyed about losing scabbers.

Speaking of which, hermione looked up from her book about time turners as the portrait door swung open. Harry and Ron walked in to the common room, talking in hushed voices about something. She just carried on reading, not that bothered about their conversation. She tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear, sighing as she realised she still had to do her charms homework.

She lifted her head as she heard her name being called.
"Hey Hermione," Harry greeted, walking towards where she sat. Ron followed, though he didn't look very happy about it. She figured he still blamed her cat for scabbers going missing.

"Hi Harry," She replied, purposely ignoring Ron. If he wasn't going to speak to her then she wasn't going to speak to him. While Harry pulled out his transfiguration homework that was due on Monday, she decided to start her charms essay that was due next week.

Ron had also pulled out his transfiguration homework and was now ruffling through his bag, probably looking for his ink and quill. Personally, I thought pens were much better and easier to write with.

After about a minute of searching his bag, he gave up. Turning to Harry, he asked " Do you have spare quill?"
"Sorry mate, I gave my last one to Dean" replied Harry, turning back to his homework.

Reluctantly, Ron turned to Hermione. "Hey Hermione, do you have a quill I can borrow?"
"Oh, so know you're talking to me?" She replied. She and Ron hadn't talked in days, not since he blamed crookshanks for Ron's rat going missing. Honestly, it's his own fault for losing him in the first place.

"What do you mean?" Ron asked, stupidly she might add.

"You haven't talked to me in days and now you're asking me for something?! Omg I can't believe you right now, I should be asking you for an apology!" She exclaimed. Harry has looked up from his work now, happy that something was distracting him from his dreaded homework.

"An apology?! You'll get an apology I when I find scabbers, if I find him at all. You're bloody cats probably eaten him!"

"Oh don't be ridiculous Ronald!"

While Hermione and Ron continued arguing, Harry had noticed a necklace, poking out from under a stack of books. The necklace was relatively big in size and the shape of an hourglass. Being the curious person he is, he interrupted his friends argument to ask.

"What's that?"
They followed his eyes to the necklace. For some reason he saw Hermione's eyes widen.

Ron reached for it at the same time as Hermione. Ron got got there first, snatched it from the table and examining it closely.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2023 ⏰

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