Chapter 27: worst thing about tour (Zacky pov)

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the show is over and now its time to leave and go on tour. i hate this part about tour and now that Cierra is pregnant, i mean i'd be on tour when she was pregnant before but i just hate it when i miss the little stuff like the first kick, but i've never miss a birth and that's all that really matters. and yeah she's going on tour but still. i just dropped her off at her tour bus and i walked to mine. i open to door to hear laughter and loud voices and music.

"hey daddy" Winnie said and she  walked back to the back. Jason started driving and i called Cierra. we talked for alest an hour or more. then i got up and walked into the living room area. everyone is in bed besides me, Brian, Matt, Johnny, Renay, Sarahi and Arin are up and MB driving . i looked over at all of them. Brian's drink i could tell.

"you know what Zacky" he looked at me

"what is that" i said lighting a cig.

"you can have all the kids you want with my twin." he said and looked over at Sarahi "and when are you gonna give me some grand kids"

"Dad, i don't know when ever i get pregnant i guess" she said  and looked at Renay "Oh hell no, not know i'm not having kids for a while" she laughed

"until after college" Matt said

"yeah after i get married too" she said and got up and walked over to the kitchen area thing and grabbed a pop.

"yeah i'll like that" Matt's said

"i can't believe me and Cierra's gonna have another baby" i said "i can't wait""i know" i said and Matt got up.

"i'm going to bed" he said

"hun we know what you're thinking about doing"Brian said moving his eyebrows up and down.

"yeah i'm gonna do that brian sure" he said and walked back to his bunk. Val, Michelle, Lacey are already sleeping in our bunks.

"yeah i'm going to bed too" i said and got up and headed to my buck when Winnie grabbed my leg.

"hey baby girl" i said and set down in the bunk she's laying in. "baby girl you need to sleep" i said

"yeah i know, night daddy"she hugged me then i get up in to my buck .I didn't go to sleep thou. the flashback of when me and Cierra found out about her being Pregnant with Andy.


I was setting their on the bench by the tree at the park that we was our spot. she was setting their. its been like a month after I've asked her out and that we made love. I walked over to her and their was tears in her eyes.

"Cierra, what wrong" I asked  setting down beside her .i warped my arm around her. "baby what's wrong"

"Zacky" she looked at me  a few tears fell down her face. "I'm pregnant"

"what" I said "shit" I hit the table and she jumped a little."I'm sorry baby"

"you are goanna be their" she asked warping her eyes.

"I would never leave you baby" I said and kissed her.

**************************END Flashback*****************************************

god I remember when Papa gates found out that I did it, he was so pissed, he almost beat me to death with my baseball bat. until Cierra got in fount of me. now he looks at me that way when ever I get her pregnant and I don't care anymore I love Cierra and we have seven kids with one on the way. I would never want it different will I would want Jimmy back but you that won't happen.

then I fall asleep


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