🧪In The Lab🧪

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Judy & Haru are two lab partners not only lab partners,

But the best friends I've been friends ever since middle school they definitely love to work together on new things.

They were basically like the smartest bunnies and they had this new project that they were working on, but let's just say it was hardly working out until they had an idea

Judy and Haru we're in the lab doing some testing the two were trying to get a carrot to grow. They tried every single ingredient they did none of them worked.

Ughh this is not it either. This is impossible. Judy says frustrated

Judy was entirely getting frustrated about not finding the right ingredient

It's OK Judy let's try this one more page and see if it works. If it doesn't we'll try something else Haru says

Judy flips a page and is stunned to what it says

What says haru wondering what her best friend is stunned about until she looked at her page and it was also stunned

Wolf and Fox drool and semen

WAIT WHAT says Haru

Judy was utterly shocked of what the book says

We have to collect a wolf and a fox, semen and drool!?!  Judy couldn't believe what she was reading

What kind of ingredient is this?
Judy asks

That’s what it says in the book this is pretty risky Haru says worried

But if we don't do this then we will failed this project Judy says concerned

That means we have to find a wolf and a fox says Judy

How are we going to find a wolf and  fox without being devoured Haru asked Judy with a concerned look

I don’t know

Judy starts grabbing some gear and put them in her bag some test tubes and Gun tranquilizer & darts

Judy tosses a tranquilizer gun to Haru

But we have to at least try says Judy

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2023 ⏰

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