Gay shit I dislike

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"Oh shut your pie hole faggot", Craig shoved me against the door.
I pushed him back, "Why? I thought you wanted to shove your twig in it?"

His unibrow furrowed; he kinda looked like the dude from "The Mask".
Craig's face got all serious and he slowly stepped towards me.

"Listen here Cassidy Ashton. You do not want to mess with me. Even one more peep out of your mouth and I will make you suffer."
"Noooo I'm so scared", I responded making a sad face.

Craig grabbed my neck, causing his long matte black nails to dig into my throat. I bit my lip, "So, are you gonna kiss me now or what?"

He threw me to the ground, "You messed up bitch. Come tomorrow everyone will hate your guts. You'll go from being a nobody to being the school weirdo. Transfer to any other school but no one here will even look at you."

I felt the wind drift through my long black hair as I laid on the hard concrete outside the school.
Reality started to set in; I looked around at all the kids staring at me with disgust on their faces. I truly fucked up. Leave it to me to fuck with Mr. Handsome and get casted out from the other students.


I picked up my lunch and sat down next to my friend Sally. "Bitch, what the fuck do you think you are doing", she yelled at me. "What does it look like? I'm eating my lunch." She gave me a cold stare then continued eating her lunch, "Honestly I don't give a shit, but you can't sit with us anymore. If people found out I talked to you I would be bullied relentlessly." What the fuck.
"Sally we have been friends since diapers. Do you really wanna throw this whole friendship away just because other kids hate me now?" I was in total disbelief.

"Of course not. We will always be friends just- not at school. I will call you tonight I promise, but get the fuck out of here."

"Whatever." I picked up my shit and left to the bathroom. My life really is over.

Suddenly I heard loud banging on my bathroom stall, I got startled and dropped my food. I got up and opened the door to see Sally standing there seemingly holding back tears.
"What do you want", I glared at her with no sympathy.

"Craig is a fucking bitch", she replied pointing to her leg. I looked over at it and noticed a huge cut wrapped with bloody bandages.
"Holy shit Sally, what did they do to you?!?" I heard her breaths getting sharper and louder. Those bitches are going to get it now.

I went over and hugged her, holding her body close to mine. I felt her tears fall onto my shoulder. "Don't worry Sally, you're going to be okay."
"Cass I'm so sorry about earlier I didn't mean-", I cut her off, "Sally it's okay I'm not mad. Now let's get your leg cleaned up."

I took her hand and brought her over to the sinks. As I unwrapped the bloody bandages the anger inside grew larger. I felt so bad for Sally, because even if I didn't know why they did this to her, I knew it was most likely my fault.

"Okay this might sting a little, if it hurts just squeeze my hand", I said grabbing a hand towel out of my bag.
As I dabbed the wet towel on her wound I couldn't help but notice how warm her palms are. I wondered how they would feel around my waist.

I knew that she probably isn't gay but I was falling for her. Her lips looked so soft, I wanted to kiss her so badly.

I snapped back to reality when I felt her squeezing my hand.
"Uh let me see if I have bandages in my bag", I stuttered. I picked up some gauze and wrapped it tightly around her leg.

When I met back with Sally's eyes I lost my mind. I held her cheek and pulled our bodies closer. "Cass what are you doing", Sally gasped. "Shhhh", I held the back of her head and kissed her warm lips.
As our lips embraced eachother my hand slid down from her head to her waist.


Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 01, 2023 ⏰

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Story snippets I thought of while watching south park Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang