Chapter 1

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Maybe it's raining. Maybe not. It might be sunny. Or the world might be ending. But I'd never know. I'd never know...


The wind is soft but I swear I heard it singing. The melody is haunting, but at the same time beautiful. It's almost like a distant memory, but then again, so foreign.

I ponder it for awhile but soon my mind drifts to other places. It is May 23, only 3 days till my sixteenth birthday. I've wanted to drive a car since I was born, I just love the feeling of being able to go any where, and see everything, it's like a small slice of freedom, and I can only hope that when I die I have eaten the whole pie.

In the far off distance I see my destination: Howard's coffee. I've loved coffee since I was a little girl when I would drink that little sip all the adults left in the bottom of their cup.

As I whoosh through the squeaky door I almost run into someone. My book bag drops to the floor, and all my papers go flying, all my observations and research that I've done, because one day I want to be a scientist. 'Sorry' the person mumbles, and quickly crouches down to help me collect my things. Suddenly our eyes meet. I feel a jolt inside of me, followed by a rush of adrenaline, and I can feel the heat in my cheeks. His eyes are a stunning bright green, and his dark hair sweeps above them across his forehead in almost a playful way. I smile sheepishly, but he looks away and is quick to stand up.

"Hey-" I start to stop him, but he rushes out the door before I can say another word. Strange, I think, but what can you do? Howard is sitting behind the main counter like always, and I try to take a second to take it all in. I love everything about this place, in the big city of Boston, it feels like a small town where everyone knows each other. But I didn't recognize the young boy at all.

The smell of coffee calms me, and I instantly relax as I ease into the tall booth like chair that sits up to the long main counter where you can watch the employees make your drink. The plush leather cushion is worn down, but well loved. The lighting is bright, but in a natural way that doesn't give you head ache.

"So, Howard" I start my usual greeting to the kind old minty smelling man, "What's the scoop for today?"

"Well you know, the usual garbage, Miss Holly's gained 10 pounds on her diet, Mr. Salemy is trying to sell drugs, and Mrs. Doolittle is pregnant with triplets." Howard winks at me and starts to prepare my usual-a vanilla latte, no whipped cream. I sit and stare out the far window, I don't know why-it's all fogged up and looks like its never been opened.

But I've been seeing everything differently recently. I'll just be walking, say to school, and suddenly everything around me will seem to rush toward me; my vision starts to blur and then everything seems to be miles away. It stops as soon as it starts, but in that split second, I feel so far away and lost, but at the same time I feel like there's something out there, like a passage to the next world. But I'm pretty sure it's nothing more than a simple case of the jitters resulting from my upcoming drivers test.

"So how's my favorite girl?" Howard asks as he hands me my latte, his forehead wrinkles up in that cute way that I love. He's like the grandpa I never had (both mine had died in the war). I smile at him and say, "I'm doing swell."

"I can't believe that in three days, my little girl will be driving a car, I just can't believe it," Howard says while shaking his head.

"I have to pass the test first though Howard," I remind him.

"Like that will be the problem!" Howard chuckles, "You're the best student I know, speaking of which, don't you think it's time to head on over to school?" I immediately glance at my watch, 7:45. School starts at 8:00.

"Yeah," I quickly reply, "Bye Howard!" I wave as I rush out the door. I am greeted by the chilly but fresh morning air. I press my fingers into the soft warm styrofoam cup, take a deep breath, and start my brisk walk to Sollaue High school.

Growing up in Boston, I have pretty good street smarts, so I'm never really worried about dangers, which is a good and a bad thing. I do also know a lot of people, but when I am by myself, such as right now, I just keep my head pointed forward, and focus only on where I'm going.

When I finally reach my destination, a beautiful brick building other wise known as my High school, my friend Jennifer comes running up to me.

"Meleny!" she calls out, "I'm so glad you're here! I've heard there's a new boy in town!" I immediately think of the guy I ran into at the coffee shop, but decide not to bring him up.

"Don't get your hopes up," I say instead, "He's probably ugly, or won't be interested in you." Jennifer scowls at me, but in a funny way, because we both know we're just kidding. Jenny and I met in third grade when she moved here from Wisconsin, for her Dad's job. Something just clicked between us, and I'm sure glad it did, because Jen helps me get through everything, we are almost unseperatable.

We laugh about a few more things, and then start heading up to the big double doors. But when we start walking up the steps they seem to jump up at me. 'Oh no,' I think, 'This can't be happening.'

I quickly become dizzy, and I can't tell if I'm frozen or if I'm falling. I can faintly hear someone calling my name, but then everything seems to fade away at the speed of light. My vision is blurred, and I hear a buzzing in my ears. I try to scream, to move, to do anything, but I can't. Then suddenly my knees buckle, and a wave of exhaustion comes over me, and I collapse, but instead of hitting the ground, all I feel is the anticipation. Then my thoughts diminish, and everything is gone.


Hello Readers! Thank you guys so much for taking the time to read my story! I really appriciate it, and this is my first real story on Wattpad, so please tell me what you think! Thank you again! ~ES

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