Chapter 2

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I was under water. Everything was coming in and out of focus. But then someone suddenly appeared. They were walking toward me, and I felt a jolt of electricity go through my body. I needed to run, whoever was coming wanted to hurt me. I didn't know why, but I could sense it. I tried to turn around, to escape, but my eyes were glued to the strange figure. It was like I was paralyzed. There was a dark shadow covering the persons face, but whoever it was seemed so familiar, like I'd met them before...


My eyes shot open. Bright light engulfed my vision making it impossible to see anything.

"Meleny!" Jennifer yells from a distance, or that's at least how it sounded.

"What!" I say frantically, rubbing my eyes.

"You like passed out for two whole minutes!" Jennifer yelled again, she was clearly freaked.

"You don't have to yell Jen, I'm fine. Really."

"Are you sure?" Jenny asks clearly worried, "You don't need to go to the doctor or anything?" I just give her that look of enough, but in a jokingly way, and my friend gets the message.

"Come on," I say, "We're going to be late!" I grab Jen's arm and drag her through the front doors. After a quick trip to our lockers and rushing through the halls we reach our first hour class.

The biology teacher hunches over his desk, his bony shoulders almost seem to be popping out of his faded flannel shirt. We take our seats just as the bell rings, and Mr. Nickle stands up, though his back is still hunched. His bushy eyebrows seem to hang over the rim of his thick yellowed glasses. He scratches his completely bald head, and clears his throat, several times may I add.

"Good morning class," Mr. Nickle grumbled. "Today we are learning how to extract DNA from frogs..." And he started one of his long drawled out speeches.

I opened my observation notebook, and jotted down a few notes, but I soon loose interest and start to doodle. After a few stick people and a handful of flowers I stare at the empty seat beside me. It used to belong to Benny Cheasy, who I guess you could say was a little on the heavy side. He never did any work when we did things in partners, all he would do is sneak jolly ranchers into his mouth, and then he would make weird sucking noises. I guess you could say I didn't miss him.

I sigh and look over at my friend Jennifer. She was talking to the girl next to her, probably about boys or something (it's really all she can seem to talk about these days). I start to play with my hands, a habit I've had since as long as I can remember. I hate doing it because my hands get all sweaty, but it's just something I can't seem to stop doing.

I really wish there were windows in this classroom, it would make Mr. Nickle seem so much more interesting. But instead of windows, most of the walls were covered in mirrors. I know this sounds weird, probably because it is. I mean what's the point? They do come in handy once in a while, for you know a quick check to make sure your hair is where it's supposed to be and such. But having them all around you makes you just want to look at them all the time, and then people think you're weird. You can also basically see everyone else reflected right back at you, which can be good and bad.

I take a quick chance to look myself over. My dark reddish hair lays over my forehead and swings to about halfway down my back perfectly. My bright ocean blue eyes are accented just right with mascara, and my lips look soft from my hourly appliance of chap stick. The one thing I just can't seem to cover up are the dozens of freckles sprinkled across my nose and cheeks. I guess you could say I cared about what I looked like, but I certainly wasn't obsessed like the people who bring their make-up bag every where they go, and are constantly taking trips to the bathroom. I wouldn't consider myself to be ugly, but I certainly wasn't drop dead gorgeous either.

I go back to playing with my fingers and trying to listen to the boring drawl of Mr. Nickle, when suddenly I hear the squeak of the door opening, and a cold hard chill runs down my back and tingles my finger tips. Everyone looks up with a new sense of alertness. It's so quiet, that the soft padded footsteps echo and fill the whole room. Then the ricochet of whispers come, as everybody starts to get excited. I can feel my face getting hot even though my bones feel like ice.

Our eyes connect. My blue to his deadly gorgeous green. This time I'm the one who looks away.

"Class," Mr. Nickle grumbles, obviously upset that his monotone drone was interrupted, "Please welcome our new student, Shakesfere Greekson."


Hello Readers! I just want to say thanks again for reading my story! If you like it, please vote! I will try to update as often as I can, thanks again!(: ~ES

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