bucky x y/n first meet

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I've always been nervous whenever people would talk about bucky, I mean, he sounded a little intimidating, but I didn't want to say anything because steve is my friend. I haven't met bucky yet, but steve says he's going to bring him around this week. I'm close with everyone at the compound, especially since Nat and I we're in the Red Room together. She helped me escape that horrible place.

We we're all sitting down doing our own thing when Steve came in with someone. As soon as I saw I, I looked away and went back to reading my book. Steve went to introduce him, but bucky beat him to it "Hey I'm bucky." he seemed a little shy and like he didn't really want to be here. "Hey, it's nice to meet you." Everyone started to introduce themselves.

Bucky sat down next to me and just looked at me. "What?" I asked him,"So...what's your name?" Was he... nervous? "Y/n" and looked back down."I like that name it's nice." I didn't know what to do, so I just nodded. It was pretty awkward, so we both just sat there and said nothing. "Hey buck, want go and train with me?" Steve said "yeah sure" he looked back at me."I'll see you around" and walked away.

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