The meeting

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Wilburs pov:
I decided to change because I look a mess, and I want to look semi-good
So I decide to change into some black ripped jeans and a white shirt with my yellow hoodie over the top and a belt.

I grab my shoes and text clay.
Hey clay I just wanted to get the address of where we're going!                        11:33

Oh hey wil! Heres the address:
xxxxxx, xxxxxx kidnapper close
(A/n: hehehe)

okay thank you!

I get in my car and drive to the address clay gave me.

Dreams pov:
I didn't expect him to accept, I have a note for him! God fucking dammit it left the note with that child.
I go down to where he is.
"What happened-?" I ask
" please.." he responds
I pick up the chair on top of him and sit him back up.
There are two pieces of paper so I grab both and begin to walk to the address I gave him.

Wilburs pov:
I arrive before him I assume he's walking so I decide to wait in my car.
I began to fall asleep just as I heard a knock on my window.

Oh it's clay!
I got out of my car
"Hey wil! Sorry I'm late I decided to walk!" He says
"It's all good clay! Don't worry
about it!" I respond

We walk into the restaurant together
When we get a table he gives me two pieces of paper so I read the first one:
"Hey wil I'm to scared to tell you this so I wrote it down, I love you and I want to be with you! <3
From clay"
I'm stunned he loves me!?
I decide not too open the second one so I fold it and put it in my pocket.
"Clay" I say
"Y-yeah?" He responds
"I love you too" I say
"Really!?" He says
"Mhm" I awnser
We order some food and we chat.
We were there for at least 3-4 hours.

remember is passing out.

I woke up back at? home?
Oh yeah! That other piece of paper!
I read it out loud:
'Dear, dad,mum,wil and techno

         Please come save me..
     I need help I've been kidnapped by
       DR£@/\/\ no no.. please save me..
    I'm in so much pain..please I know you probably don't care about me.. but please..

                   From tommy..'

What the fuck-!?
Who is dream-!?
I call techno
"TECHNO!"I yell
"Hallo-?" He says
"Tommy he- he's been kidnapped by someone called dream!"I say
"Who is 'dream'?" He replies
"I don't know.." I say
"Well we need to figure it out" he says

Technos pov:
Wilbur just gave me some disturbing information. I need to figure out who kidnapped my little brother.
When I find them I'm going to fucking tear there eyes out and smile as they bleed and die! Too gruesome-? Nah I'm good.
I just wish tommy would listen to my advice. But the little shit doesn't.
Of course he doesn't he can be a brat at times but he truly cares for us.

Tommy hes not a bad kid he's just nieve
Really nieve and the voices can't handle his stupidity. The blood god can't handle his stupidity. I need my little brother back. I'm going to get my brother back no matter the cost.

Even if the cost is killing whoever hurts him or touches a hair on his head, in a violent manner..that’s sounds a bit overprotective but it’s true! I want to be there for him no matter what happens. I want to make him feel safe with the people he’s with, even if we do fight or argue with each other, I still want to be there for him and protect him at all times..

Wilburs pov:
I decided to tell phil, I feel like he will know what to do, I hope so at least,
So I called him:
"Phil! Phil!" I yell
"Yes mate?" He replys
"I figured out what happened to tommy!" I respond
"Really!?" He yells
"Hes been kidnapped!"I reply
"By who!?"He says
"Someone called dream?" I say
"Dream, dream hold on mate" he replys
He hangs up and I eagerly await his response.

Only to figure out that his response will not be pleasant

A/N: the only reason this exists is because s00t_wilbur wanted it

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