what i submited

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It was a chilly autumn morning, just a normal day for Jisung, get dressed, brush his teeth, you know the usual. He didn't feel the greatest but little did he know it was gonna be the best day of his life.

Jisung was waiting forward for best friend Minho who drives him to school almost every day and speaking of the devil, there he was standing beautiful as ever Jisung thought. „get in the car, i don't want to be late cause you drooling over me" Minho teased „ i-i wasn't drooling what are you talking about" „sure, then why did you stutter just now?" „lets just get going" Jisung nervously laughed.

They got in the car, it was a little awkward but they just laught it of
„do you wanna hang out later?" Minho asked „sure, my house or yours?" „lets go to mine" „mhm" answered Jisung with a little nod.

They got to school and went they went their separate ways cause they don't have the same classes because Minho's older.

The day went by pretty fast and now there was Jisung waiting for him in the parking lot, then he felt someone cover his eyes „Minho, i know it's you" „for god s sake how do you always know" „cause you're the only one who does this" Jisung laughed. They got in the car and got to Minhos house „do you wanna watch something" Minho asked „sure, why not" answer Jisung as he ploped on the couch.

After a few minutes of scrolling, they settled on the Notebook. They cuddled cause that's what they did since they were little. Jisungs heart was little too fast, which made Minho concern that the was gonna have a heart attack. „why is your heart so damn much?" Jisung opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. Then Minho just went for it and kiss him. To say that Jisung was shocked would be an understatement,no gonna that man almost jumped out of his skin when he felt Minhos lips touch his.

„Oh my god, i'm so sorry i thou-" Jisung cut him off by giving him a little peck. „i like you too you idiot" Jisung laughing a little. „wait really, i thought you didn't like me because you didn't kiss back" „no, i like you, i was just shocked cause i didn't expect it and also wouldn't you be surprised when your crush of 5 years suddenly kisses you" „yeah what makes sense, WAIT 5 years, that long?!" „yeah, that long and also don't shout you're gonna wake the neighbors up" says Jisung was he gives Minho a little smack on the head. „okay sorry but what are we now?" questions Minho. „well we both like eachother sooo wanna boyfriends?" „great idea boyfried". When they actually finished the movie and cuddled throught the whole night. You never know what a chilly autumn day can do for you but it sure can give a significant other.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2023 ⏰

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