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Monster. That was one of the many words that described me. I was also a jokester, a lover, a spy, a big-hearted guy, but monster fit me the most. Maybe something else would've fit me better if I had saved my brother. But I didn't. And there was no fixing that now.

So I do the next best thing. Try to save the kingdoms. I have to do this. If I couldn't save one person, maybe I can save the rest. I stare at the giant "ᴋʀs" with a circle surrounding it that was branded on my hand two years prior, marking that I worked for the king. It was the only thing I could do after my parents kicked me out.

"Do you need a refill on that, sir?"

I snap out of my thoughts and look up at the man looming over me. "Please," I say, beaming.

He nods and pours more coffee into my green mug. "Sugar?" he asks.

I shake my head. "No thanks," I look at his name tag, "Alejandro."

He takes a seat opposite me and pours himself a cup of coffee. "So, you free this weekend?" He smooths out his mustache with his fingers and raises an eyebrow, staring at me intently.

"No, sorry." I look past him at a man with fair skin, dark brown eyes, and matching dark brown long hair. Elijeal Seong. This is who I have to keep watch of for the next week. I sigh loudly, forgetting Alejandro is sat at my table.

Alejandro scoffs. "Did you even hear me?"

I blink, turning back to him. "No, sorry."

He rolls his eyes, stands up, and walks back to the counter to presumably make more coffee for the customers of the shop.

"Hey, he was totally checking you out." Some random lady says, elbowing me in the arm as she leaves the building. She has long dirty blonde hair, grey eyes, and is wearing too much makeup for her own good.

I laugh, rubbing my arm. "Nah, he was checking out the Lochness Monster," I joke.

"Ha! Good one!" the lady stops in her tracks and shoots a paper flight message over to me before walking out.

I unfold the paper and roll my eyes playfully.

Jessica Straton
Building 24, room 2, Corinisan Cottages, Nafrumvian City, Dravenry

Did I just get asked out?

Never mind that. I can't lose focus on my job. I turn my attention back to Elijeal, who I realize is no longer here. Shit. I slam my coffee, stuff the paper in my pocket, toss a ten Quartez bill on the table, and leave the coffee shop, hoping I can catch sight of Elijeal and follow him.

After two hours has passed, I decide to give up searching. He isn't at his home or anywhere else in Nafrumvian City. I groan, frustrated. The King will kill me if he finds out I've lost Elijeal, especially when it took me two days to find him. I'm better than this. I have to be better than this. I can't fail again. I shut my eyes for a moment in an attempt to calm myself.

Once I finally calm down, I turn my head to the Dravenry Palace. I have nothing else to do except go back and pray King Smithson doesn't ask for a full report today. But knowing him, he will. And when I tell him I've lost Elijeal, that will be my second strike. If I screw up one more time, he'll kill me. And gods forbid he does it humanely. All of his executions are bloody and painful looking. He makes sure of that. The last royal spy was stabbed and strangled, simultaneously, just for the king's amusement. It was horrible.

Hesitantly, I begin my walk to the palace. I haven't the faintest clue as to what my future there holds, but I've nothing else to do. I have to accept defeat and try better tomorrow.

The walk to the palace is long and dull since almost everyone else is out getting dinner or spending time with their families. I can't help but feel jealous of everyone who has someone to spend time with. I had no one anymore. But I suppose that was my own fault. I shake my head in an attempt to spare myself from thoughts of my brother, but it's to no avail. They still intrude my brain.

I finally arrive at the palace after a dreary near hour-long walk. The guards tip their hats to me and nod as a greeting, welcoming me in. I lean in to one of them and ask, "Do you know where King Smithson is?" but there was no need for that question.

"Ah, the Taylor's son," says King Smithson's voice, "how was today?"

"Good." I reply, turning to face him but refusing to meet his eyes.

He tilts his head to the side and raises an eyebrow. "Just 'good?'" he asks.

I nod hastily. "Yes, your Majesty."

He places a hand on my back and starts to shove me forward. "Walk with me, Son. Tell me how the day was."

I take a deep breath and gulp, looking down at the floor as I walk. "I lost Elijeal."

He pauses in his tracks.

My breath hitches, terrified of what's coming next. If it's something awful, maybe it's deserved for everything I've done. But, then again, if it is something as bad as I imagine, maybe I'm not the monster. Maybe the king is.

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