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This popular guy is Aeri's father. A sudden fire built up inside Aeri's heart with rage. Ace walks toward Aeri and Yna's direction.
"Hi Yna, can I tutor you?" Ace said while smirking.
"From you?" Yna said sarcastically.
"To teach you how to fall in love with me," Ace said while giving her a wink.
"Maybe to teach me how to fail all my subjects," Yna's backfired.
The basketball coach called Ace. Yna sigh as Ace finally leave her  alone. 
Currently, Aeri is speechless throughout, no matter how much she wanted to jump her father, she can't just let out a single word. Aeri thought that even she's here to change some things like other fairy tales, she won't able to, because nothing will change. She's just here to witness her parents relationship.
While walking to get to class, an idea pop to Aeri's mind. She decided to focus on following her father hoping that she will find the reason why he left them. In her deep thought, Aeri didn't realize that she stopped walking. She looked at Yna who was just waiting for her. She rush to catch up to her. Aeri believe that she will able to find the truth soon.

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