1- Meet the OCs!

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My OCs are in the picture. I will do an individual chapter about each OC as well :3
Kelly:Hi! My name is Kelly nice to meetcha we should totally be friends and like, go everywhere together!
Greg:*saunters over with his arms crossed* hmph. Whatever.
Kelly:Oh Greg! *jumps at Greg and tackles him*
Greg:Get off of me!
Dia:*chuckles* oh, hey there. I'm Dia, but you already know that. I'm the chill person of this group. *adjusts eyepatch and grins* also the toughest.
Drew:*leans against wall,listening to music and Dia throws a paper airplane at him, he jumps*huh?
Dia:Say hi! Introduce yourself.
Drew: Um, hi....* pushes back hair a little and fumbles with lip ring*
Dia:Classic Drew
Drew:uh yeah.... *puts earplugs back in*
Greg:ok, ok, just get off me! *Kelly gets off of Greg and smiles triumphantly*
Kelly:good, now do what I told you to do
Greg:*does dance unenthusiastically and sings robotically* I'm Mister Grumps, I'm always in the dumps, I'm mister Grumps, I'm Mister Grumps, I'm always in a slump
Kelly and Dia: *both clap* encore!
Greg:I hate you guys *storms off as they both laugh*
Drew:*walks over to Dia*whats going on?
Dia:You just missed out on the funniest thing ever.
Drew: *rolls his eyes* you guys constantly tease Greg. *walks off in the direction Greg did*
Kelly:Whelp, I guess it was nice meeting you! Goodbye, for now!
Dia:*waves to you*

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