...After the disaster...

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Ayato's POV

A week ago,my brother turned himself into a Demon,my parents are gone and now I'm stuck in this endless white forest carrying a box containing a dumbass who can't even talk properly

The first two days, he wanted to eat me ..literally,this horrible bad sucker has failed every time he tried,I put a bamboo thing to keep him away from biting anyone.

We also use mask to hide our faces from anyone that could possibly recognise us. Now we are searching for a new place to stay,we've been kicked out many times because of Y/N trying to kill somebody or me getting into fights.THE worse thing about Y/N being a demon now is that I had to learn him how to speak again since he forgot how to talk,I could tell he was messing up some words so he could piss me off,and guess what? He succeeded with that.I BEATED THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF THIS DUDE SO MANY TIMES that I can't feel my fists anymore.

As I was trying to find somewhere else to stay,the box Y/N was in was moving "fuck off,you're staying in there"

Long hours of walking around later

I...feel so tired...I can't feel my legs..and why does my lungs..hurts...so much..

Two days later

"Don't worry,they will be fine" where am I? I found myself in a warm bed in somebody's house,it's been so long since I slept on something soft,feels good. I get up and see that we are not alone,there was 3 girls in the room and they all were from my village... for fuck sake... Mitsuri,Obanai and Shinobu

"oh you're awake!" Said the purple haired gnome "no I'm still asleep"I said with sarcasm,they don't seem to recognise me,plus I'm still with my mask

"I told you to let him die" said Obanai glancing at my soul..wait,where is Y/n?

After talking a bit with this girls, I realised that we are in a kind of rehabilitation centre with all kind of weird kids,I found Y/n's box and he is safe,they didn't open it but the thing is,he is not in the fucking box...

Y/n's POV

Weird place with a bunch of humans... "Oi,who are you?" Said a weird looking girl,I decided to just ignore her, ain't going to waste my time on inferior beings like this human

"in case you didn't know,I'm talking to you" she said as I felt something sharp behind my neck oh fuck,I'm dead "alrightalrightchillwomeni'mallears" I said while almost shitting myself

"mmmh...that's better" she said removing the sharp object from my neck "my name is huh....." fuck,I need to make up something fast Walter white? Heisenberg?NeymarJR????oh!! I know" "huhum...my name is.........Pablo" "pablo?" She said "yeah,need something from me?"

After a little talk with this weird ass bitch,I managed to get away and find my brother "yo,what you doing here?" I said looking around the room,there was a purple haired girl with a butterfly hair clip and a girl with pink hair and green eyes "nothing much,I'm resting here" he said

"hello there,my name is Kocho Shin-" "didn't ask" I answered to her,who is this purple ass bitch "Oh...I see,are you this man's brother?" She asked with a happy face but somehow she sounded upset?

"Yeah I am" "oh! splendid,My friend here founded him fainted in the snow and she managed to carry him in here and found you in this box" ....fuck

Love between a demon and a human  (Mitsuri  x Reader )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora