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Hi everyone!!!
I hope y'all enjoy.🦋
Expect grammatical mistakes. 😉

Junkyu P.O.V:

"Kim Junkyu, I swear if you don't get up in next 5 minutes I'll rip you apart". My eyes opened faster than anything upon listening to these sweet words by my sweet mom. I tried to get up quickly from bed in result of which I fell.
"Aishhh". I quickly got up and went to washroom. I decided to wear a plain white t-shirt with black jeans. I styled my hair and went downstairs.

"Hi mom, Hi dad". I said loudly and hugged my father and gave a kiss to my sweet mother who was giving me a death glare.
"Stop glaring at him like that". My father said to my mother.
"You're spoiling him alot, he's getting lazy day by day because of you".
"Mommm, I'm not lazy. It's just I do my things slowly. Right Dad?".
I said looking at my father.
"Yes my son. You're right". My father said and we laughed together and mother rolled her eyes.

In some minutes, our chef set our breakfast infront of us.
Yes, we have chef and alot of mades too. I'm rich, WE are rich.
My father's a businessman while my mother is a surgeon. I'm the oldest son and I have a younger sister, she's 5 and I swear to God she's the cutest human on this earth. Now back to my family, it is not like other rich families. They never mistreated me or stopped me from choosing my favourite major. I've always been a good student, a hardworking student although I'm a lazy ass. We never had dirty water on us. Our business was clean, not the mafias one.

"You're drooling again. God, you're such a baby, Junkyu". My mom said while cleaning my mouth with a tissue.
I pouted at my mothers remarks while my dad smiled at me.
"Ahh whatever, Mom where's Eunso?". I asked her about my little girl (my sister).
"She's in her room still sleeping. Maid said that she cried yesterday because you don't spend much time with her now". A smile crept on face listening to my mom but she's true these last days I'm busy with alot of things and am unable to spend time with her.
"Mom you know I was busy these past days". I said and walked to her room.

She was still in her bed. I slowly walked towards her bed.
"Aww my baby". I whispered and placed my hand on her head caressing her hair. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at me.
She smiled at me and made grabby hands towards me. I picked her up, she snaked her little arms around my neck and rested her head on my shoulder.
"Hyung". She said with her sleepy voice. I rolled my eyes and laughed.
"Eunso it's oppa not hyung"
"No, Jihoon said it's hyung". I swear that Jihoon is going to teach her wrong things *sigh*.
"No, Jihoon oppa is wrong and don't just call him by his name. Say oppa from now on or else I won't buy you chocolates. Okay?". I asked her and made her look at me.
She looked at me and nodded. I kissed her on her cheek.

After playing with her for some minutes I called her caretaker and she took Eunso for a bath. I came out of her room and sat with my parents again and continued eating.

"Okay, I have to go now. Junkyu there are some biscuit and fruit boxes on the shelf. Give them to the new neighbours on your way to college and...... Don't even start" My mother knew I was going to pout like why should I give it to them. It's not like they're hungry and waiting for us to give them food.

"I know they're not hungry but we should always be nice to other people and especially our neighbours. Give these to them and have a nice talk with them". My mouth widened, she can literally read my mind. Sometimes I really get scared how can she know me so well.

"Okay okay I'll give it to them". I said while munching on the toast that our amazing chef made.

"Bye yeobo". My mom said and kissed my father on his cheek.
I made a disgusting face while side-eyed them. "Don't make that face. Bye my lazy baby". My mom said and kissed me too and I smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2023 ⏰

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