Killing The Character

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 It has been twelve years since I've seen Evelyn. The last time I saw her, she had moved on from me and was engaged. She and I obviously didn't work out. SIGH. I guess now is the best time to explain what happened.

In short, she told me I wasn't who she wanted. She wanted my brother. I should've known he would end up ruining my life the way he did my father's. After he killed our father, he made it his goal to take Evelyn from me. He never expected to fall in love with her, though. Evelyn ended up changing him into a better person, however, that doesn't mean I like him. Months after Evelyn and I split, I was known as the outlaw and was always testing the wolves' patience. They kidnapped me, of course.

So now here I am, in a smelly sewage room, with wolves just outside the doors. They've been telling me for years that they'd kill me. Why haven't they? I don't know, don't ask me.

"Corban Lucas, we are getting ready for you."

Lovely. The last thing I want are a bunch of wolves coming in here claiming they're 'ready for me.' I can smell their disgusting aroma from inside this room, even with the sewage smell leaving me feeling nauseous. I used to be kept in a room where there was padding and even a mattress. This Is no luxury. 

"Corban Lucas, we are almost ready for you."

Goodness. If I could just break these chains that are around me, I could escape. I would love to escape from these horrid beasts. Maybe Evelyn and my idiotic brother would let me stay with them for a few weeks until I became settled. Squirming and trying to break the chains that encircle my wrists, they make noise and I hesitate.

"Corban Lucas, here we come."

Oh no! I quickly use all my strength and yank the chains from my wrists, causing fresh wounds to appear on my wrists. They sting and bleed as I stand, stumbling into the nearest wall. The door rattles ahead of me and I know they're unlocking it. Oh no. No. NO!

The door swings open, and they glare at me, displeased with the fact that I managed to break free. A tear falls down my cheek as they approach me, their stench stinging my eyes and causing them to water more. They whack me on the head and pain fills my skull, darkness greeting me.

I awake staring at the ceiling. Where am I? Glancing around, I notice that I'm lying down on an old hospital bed, fresh chains around my body. How did these wolves even get this bed down here? Those sneaky beasts.

" Corban Lucas, we told you we were coming." I follow the voice and look into the eyes of a masked figure. The mask is of a horrid wolf, and it muffles the voice of this figure. The figure approaches me and instinctively I begin to squirm.

"No use in that, Corban Lucas. You're my project now." A door slams and from a small window on it, I can see wolves walking away. With a knife in hand, the figure leans down to my legs and presses the blade to it.

"Please, please just kill me quickly. Do it now." I try to plead with this killer, but they just chuckle and shake their head.

"No use in begging. Besides, what's the fun in killing you quickly? You're a talker, Let's fix that."

The figure shoves a sour tasting cloth into my mouth, and it takes everything to not start gagging. With a chuckle, the figure begins to press the dry blood- stained knife into the flesh of my left thigh. (AHHH!) Pain shoots up through my leg like venom and I squeeze my eyes shut, screaming into the cloth. WHY? Oh, please make it stop! I can feel the hot, bubbly blood of my thigh soaking into my jeans as it runs down onto the bed. The smell of iron and sewage make my head swarm as the figure moves to the other thigh.

"Shh. Hush now. We are just getting started, Corban Lucas."

With the blade being lifted into the air, arms raised, I catch a glimmer of the glowing eyes behind the wolf mask. Whoever is doing this to me isn't human. The eyes glow an evil red as they chuckle. Oh no, more pain. They slam the blade into my right thigh, and I scream, pain striking every nerve in my already weakened body faster than I can comprehend. Blood splatters onto the figures mask and clothes and even onto my face, some below my nose. I sniffle as tears burn my eyes, the blood hot on my face. Blood and water aren't a good mix. Please, please just let me die.

"Alright, Corban. Now it's time for my appetizer," the figure states as they move to my pulsing left thigh.

With an aching head and my body throbbing in agony, I watch with blurred vision as the figure cuts pieces from my thigh. A triangle, a square. I glance down at my thigh and as soon as I see how deep the figure cut, seeing the bone and gooey muscle, I gag in my mouth. I begin to choke as tears run down my cheeks like waterfalls.

"Oh no, no dying yet."

The figure removes the rag from my mouth, and I immediately spit out all the sour tasting puke from in my mouth out.

"P-please. I beg you. Stop this madness."

Snickering, the figure grabs my hand hard and grips, breaking my fingers all at once. (AH !!) Screaming in pain comes naturally as I bite down on my lip hard, tasting iron. My hand throbs and then I feel nothing as I glance at my hand. The fingers hang like broken branches as my hand turns purple. Blood drips down and I sob, bowing my head. My whole-body quivers as I try to control my breathing. I can't even fight this figure. They're too strong.

"You deserve all this pain, Corban Lucas."

I lift my head, sparkles clouding my vision, looking into the eyes of this masked figure.

"W-who are you?" I can't even speak clearly. My throat stings from the rags taste mixed with my puke.

Shaking their head, the figure sighs. "You don't recognize me?"

they mock me by pointing at the mask and laughing. That laugh, it sounds so familiar. I widen my eyes as they slowly remove their mask. With their back to me, they set the mask down and grab a syringe. I know without a doubt that it's poison inside that syringe. Turning to me, Evelyn smirks at me.

"Sleep well, Corban Lucas."

I cry one last time, my heart throbbing in pain and my body aching. I slowly close my eyes as she leans to me, pushing the needle into my neck. I collapse onto the bed and fall into a forever lonely death. Evelyn. She killed me.

What happened-

Corban's brother ended up cursing Evelyn into making her kill her beloved. She never really loved the brother. He made her fall for him. So, after she killed Corban and saw what she did to him, she ended up killing herself. The brother lived happily ever after, forever living with the fact he ruined a couple's life. And he did that with a smile.

Beautiful love story. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2023 ⏰

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