Chapter One

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I sit in my room, drawing a picture of my best friend's favorite creepypasta. No one knows that I have met three of them. I still talk to them sometimes. Jack and I are close and Jeff is kinda like a brother to me. We know each other really well. Jeff keeps telling me that Jack likes me but, I don't believe him. Plus I have a boyfriend, and Jack knows that.

I don't understand how I even got a boyfriend anyway. I also don't understand why the Jeff and Jack just didn't let me die or do it themselves.

I hear a faint tap on my window. I put down my sketchbook and walk over to the window, opening the curtains. I smile when I see Jack. I open the window so I can talk to him."What are you doing here? You could get caught!" I say, the smile still planted on my face. It makes me feel so happy to see him.

"I wanted to see you... I mean.. We haven't talked in a while so I figured that we could go for a walk in the woods or something." He says. My smile grows.

"Okay just let me grab my hoodie." I say turning around.

"No you can just use mine, I'm kinda hot in this thing anyway." I turn back around when he says that and give him a look. "I have a shirt on under this don't worry!" He says. I laugh

"Okay but I have to be back by three, my boyfriend wants to hang out then." I tell him as he helps me out of the widow and outside.

"Alright that's fine." Jack says and we begin to walk off. If my dad sees I'm gone then he will have a fit, but he won't get back until around five o'clock. Then if Cameron sees that I'm gone, well he's going to be very worried about me. I have my phone with me so he could text me.

"So... What's your wrist looking like?" He asks, sounding like something Cameron would say. I don't want to tell him that there's a few new ones from last night, I'm afraid he would be mad or disappointed.

"Uhh... G-good.. I guess." I say as we enter the woods, and I cover my wrist with my hand, even though I'm wearing a long sleeved shirt. I am a little cold as well.

Jack quickly gets in front of me, stopping me. "You're lying." He says. I hate how he can tell when I'm lying.

"No I'm not!" I defend, trying to get past him. He grabs my left wrist, the one with the cuts, and I flinch. I let out a small shriek. He loosens his grip, but doesn't let go. I know he's looking me in my eyes as I stare in his dark eye sockets. I still wonder what color his eyes would've been.

"Elizabeth, I know you. Tell me the truth." He says, still staring into my eyes. I look away from him.

"I'm s-sorry.." I say in a tone that's barely audible. I look back at him and he's still looking at me. Next thing I know is him pulling me into a hug. A wonderful, warm hug. I don't get them often. I love Jack's hugs, they make me feel safe, even though I'm in the arms of a cannibal. I feel a tear stream down my right cheek as he strokes my hair, telling me that it'll be okay. What a lie.

"No it w-won't!" I say sniffling. "It keeps getting worse and worse!" I begin to cry into his hoodie (that he never gave me) even harder than before. He pulls back from the hug a little, still holding me in his arms. He looks me in my eyes.

"Yes it will, I know it may not seem like it but it will! I promise!" I shake my head at his answer.

"No it won't! You tell me that all the time but it's getting worse! I can't take it anymore!" I say raising my voice a little, tempted to pull out the pocket knife in my pocket and just stab myself right now.  

"Elizabeth, yes it will! I promise you and if it doesn't, I will make it better myself." Jack tells me. I stare at him, a little confused.

"How w-wou-" He interrupts me.

"Don't worry about that." Jack says just a above a whisper. We stare into each others eyes. Well, he stares in mine, and I stare into the black pits where his eyes should be.

I have never seen him without his mask, I really want to. I think he would loo-

"He would look what?" I hear a voice say. I look to my right and see Slenderman, I forgot that he could read minds.

"Uhh.. Nothing! Stay out of my mind Slendy!" I say teasing him.

"I'm sorry miss, but I think the two of you would make a fine couple." Slenderman tells me. That's when we both realize that I'm still in Jack's arms so we  quickly pull away from each other. I hear a laugh come from my other side.

"Gets better every time!" It's just Jeff.

"Oh shut up Jeff!" I say.

"You're blushing, love." I hear Slender say.

"Yeah and you look like a tomato!" Jeff says, still laughing. I feel my whole body heat up and my breathing speeds up.

I don't want to be made fun of at the moment. I find myself quickly walking away from them, I feel like crying. I want to cry and before I know it, there's a tear streaming down my face. Jeff runs in front of me and stops me. Jack and Slender quickly follow.

"Sorry, I didn't know yo-" He pauses for a moment and his expression softens. "Are you okay?"

No I'm not. Why the fuck would I be you know what my life is like!

"I'm fine." I lie.

"Have you again forgotten that I can read minds miss?" Slender asks. Yes, yes I have.

"It would be nice if you would mind your own business sometimes..." I mumble. There's a silence for a moment.

"I'm sorry miss, but we want to help you. You can tell us anything. I mean it's not like we're going to make fun of you or tell the whole world. Isn't that right Jeff?" Slenderman says, turning his head to Jeff.

"Duh! Like I would do that to the girl that feels like a sister to me!" I feel a slight smile form on my face from Jeff's comment. I feel my phone vibrate and I look at it. Oh no! It's almost three o'clock!

"Jack I need to get back! Cameron is going to be at my house any minute now! And I need to get ready!"

"Okay and you look fine! Let's go!"

We hurry back to my house and as soon as I walk in the back door, I hear a knock at the front. Just in time, but maybe he will let me change my outfit. I go to the front door and open it. I smile when I see him and he does the same.

"Ready?" He asks.

"No, can you give me a few more minutes? And you can come in." I say.

"Alright, but don't take too long." Cameron says as I let him in.

"I won't, I'm just going to change, fix my hair and fix my make up. It won't take long. Twenty minutes at most." I say. I lead him into the living room. "Sit anywhere, I'm going to go change."

"Okay." I hear him say as I walk into my room and shut the door. I grab the outfit I laid out and put it on. It's my black ripped skinny jeans, my black Green Day shirt (the one their album cover on it), my black skull converse, and my yin and yang choker. I put on all of my rubber bracelets as well. I walk out of my room and into the bathroom. I re-put up my blonde hair, leaving my bangs down. Then I touch up my eyeliner and lipstick before walking into the living room.

"Alright let's go." I say. We walk out the door and I have a weird feeling that we're going to have the same conversation that I had we Slender, Jack, and Jeff. He doesn't know that I know and talk to three creepypastas. Neither does Raven, even though she would want to know.

 "So, how has your day been?" He asks me as we get into his truck. He starts it as I put on my seat-belt. I knew it. 

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