to my future beau

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vague was the future I see
murked by the dense mist
like the fogs the woods hove
as hazy as to be loved

distressed as damsels
jaded I stood by the oriel
but in great hope I await
the beau of my fate

born ideal among all
fancied through the night
who'd rule my body and soul
and heart with might

he who can be a fireplace
in the coldest winter
he who can stare at eyes
like a stargazer
whom I'd meet at the altar
tying rings on fingers
to come and disprove
"love cannot live forever"

a thought such caffeinating
to keep my mind awake
of him being a king
reigning my daydreams

when will his arms wrap me
to call it my new home
where I will dwell to death
and my roses to be fully grown?

are you whom I am tied to
saving me from this place
or another burglar of hearts
leaving no trace?

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