I Truly Am the Supreme Even in Bed!

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Sarah's POV

*3 months later*

I toss in turn in bed before I manage to peep at the clock. It's 9:13 am on a Saturday morning. I fling the covers off, grab my glasses and head down stairs. In the living room, I see Lily sitting on the floor with a pool of papers and bills around her. The house is an absolute mess. Jokingly I ask what the hell happened in here. With an aggravated look on her face she responds with, "We happened." I waltz over to her and she hands me a company card for one of the possible businesses that could be doing our flower arrangements for the whole wedding.

"Ah yes, the wedding. The wedding.. the weddddddingggggg. Is that a real word? Is this a thing? What is a 'wedding'??"
"Who put tequila in your coffee this morning?"
"Woah, woah, woah..." I say emphasizing each woah even more than the last.
"Sarah, I'm trying to be serious about this." Lily says looking at me with her beautiful, ocean blues.
"I am too! I'm just trying to have a little fun with you. Come on, you have to eat, did you eat yet?"
"Yes, I already had my morning coffee and eggs." Lily responds without looking at me and pushing her hair behind her ear.
"Baby, please don't stress, this should be stress free."
"Well, with you working and me not, it's kind of hard for me not to stress with all of this free time."
"I'm not working today.... I can help you."
"I do need your input on the menu since we need to start drafting that and I need your help with the guest list still since you still haven't read it!"
"Lily! I just woke up, I'm going to have some coffee, then I'll take a look at the guest list alright?" I say trying to calm her down.
"We need to send out the save the dates soon."
"I know, I know, relax." I say while grabbing her hand and pulling her over to the sofa to sit down.
"Sarahhhh." She whines.
"That's my name." I say carefully placing a kiss on her forehead.
"I was in the middle of looking at a website."
"And the website can wait. I cannot." I tell my fiancée before I kiss her. She giggles and slaps my thigh as she hoists herself up.
"Now, please help me organize these things."
"Let. Me. Drink. My. Coffee. In. Peace. Ms. Rabe."
"Technically that's Mrs. Paulson."
"Hey, we haven't decided on names yet. So let's not. You're still Ms. Rabe until we are married." I wink at her.
"That's sexy."
"It was meant to be babe. God, you do need a break. Come on... I think I have a Housewives of New York recorded on the DVR. Want to watch it with me while I eat breakfast?"
"Oh god, you and your housewives. Can we ban that from the honeymoon?"
"For you, yes." I say smiling before grabbing the TV remote.

Miraculously, we make it through three episodes before Lily starts chomping at the bit to get everything done.
"Ok, we can organize now." I say dragging my words.
"Can you go get the post-its from the office? And some paper clips! Oh and the black folder."
"Oh my god. Why am I marrying you?" I jokingly ask before getting up off of the couch.

"Princess. Here." I say bringing back all the materials she asked for.
"Thank you." Lily mumbles back with a pen in her mouth.
"Ok, where is the guest list."
"It's up on my computer." Lily says pointing.

"Can we please not have Danny Huston at our wedding...That's weird. I know we worked with him on Coven, but that's weird to me. We barely know him."
"I was being nice." Lily says laughing.
"And really Lil, Cherry? No that's almost as weird as Danny. No, I'm not having her there. Yes, she's a good friend of mine, but no. I really don't want her watching me marry another woman."
"Oh wow, ok then. I was being the bigger person with that one."
"No, that makes me uncomfortable."

Lily comes over and sits in my lap.
"Jeez Sar, at this rate, the only person in the pews will be Jessica." she teases.
"Hey, Quinto is still on the list."
"And Jess, and that's about it."
"That's all we need."
"Do I invite my brother and his girlfriend or just my brother?" Lily asks.
"Lily, darling... I would like to think you'd invite Jason's girlfriend."
"But we don't know her."
"Yes, but he needs a date to the wedding baby."
"I meant addressing the invite and save the date."
"Oh my god, you're overthinking this one. Send it to him, and then text him and tell him he can bring a date? I think it's expected that he bring one."
"Or better yet.." Lily says while grabbing her phone.
'Hey Jase, are you bringing your girlfriend to this wedding thing of mine and Sarah's or not?'
"Mission complete." She says smiling from ear to ear.
"You need to get out more." I tell her before quickly kissing her ear.
"No, wedding planning!!!" She growls at me.
"Yeah, definitely need to go have lunch with Mamie soon."

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