Chapter 8

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Pacifica's POV

I was laying on Mabel's bed while she sat on the ground making the sweater she had said she was going to do for me. I couldnt stop thinking how nice Dipper was to me when we walked back to shack especially since I was been so mean to him before.

"I'm done!!!!!" Mable yelled as she got up holding the sweater she had made for me

Since I was in deep thought her yelled scared me and made me jump "Finally I hope it was worth the wait" I said as I turned towards her

"Of course it was, I'm the master of Arts and Crafts" she said as she giggled

"You can't be serious Mabel" as I pointed at the sweater that was pink and had I love my best freind Mabel across ita chest

"Of course I'm serious, I even made one for me" she said as she pulled an identical sweater with the words I love my bestfreind Pacifica

"You're going to make me wear that"

"Yes, yes I am so now put it on" she said as she threw the sweater at me

"I guess" I said as I thought about burning it when ever I got the chance

"Hey gu------- uhmm Pacifica what are you wearing" I heard dipper say as he entered the room

"Its the sweater I made her" Mabel said as he smiled "Oh and I made one for myself too" she said as she showed Dipper her sweater

"It looks so nice on you" he said sarcastically

"Oh yea well if you like it Mabel should make you one too" I answered him

"I should huh" Mable said as she got her measuring tape

"Hey du----wow what are you wearing Pacifica" Wendy said also surprised on what I was wearing "You know what never mind" she said as she reached into her backpack and pulled out 3 DVDs "Alright dudes we're watching some horror movies tonight" she said as she smiled evilly

"Cool which ones did you bring" Dipper asked as he was trying to avoid Mabel who wanted to measure him for the sweater she was going to make

"Well paranormal activity, Freddy vs Jason, and The Thing" she said as she went towards the TV

"And which one are we going to watch?" I asked. I had always hated scary movies since they gave me nightmares

"All of them silly" Mabel said as she tackled dipper

We proceed to watch the movies Wendy and Dipper were laughing at how dumb the people where sometimes and Mabel was using Waddles to cover her face from the scary scenes.

"Well do you guys want anything before we start the last movie" Dipper asked as he got up

"Bro bro make us some banana splits" Mabel said as she let Waddles go

"Yea dude you should make us one" Wendy said as she put the movie in the case

"Hey Pacifica do you want one" he asked

"Uhmm sure" i replied

"Ok I'll be back in a bit" he said as he walked out

"So Pacifica" Mabel said as she got closer to me with a big smile

"What do you want?" I said as I backed away

"Don't play dumb you where all over Dipper" she said as her smile got bigger

"Haha what no I wasn't" I said as I started to blush

"Ahh no wonder you got so mad when we bumb to eachother this morning" Wendy said as she looked at me "You like dipper don't you" she added

"Haha no I don--"

"Haha yea she does" Mabel blurted out

"Haha cool dude. My advice to you is to go for it. Dippers a cool guy, funny, and smart" Wendy said as she put the next DVD on the dvd player.

"Dipper Funny?" Mabel said as she looked confused

"Yea but just tell him how you feel and if you need help you have me and Mabel to help you" she said as she gave me a smile

Any comments or advice let me know guys :)

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