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We finally reached home.

I got down of the carriage.

I could see Narcissa standing at a distance.

I ran towards her and immediately hugged her. She hugged me back and placed a kiss on my forehead and wished me.

" happy birthday sweetie "

" thank you"

" where is mom and dad?" I asked her.

" they had some important work to attend to " she replied.

" ohh" I replied with a sad tone.

They are gone for work, again.

" Hey don't be all sad, they will be back at night" she said trying to cheer me up.

I gave her a weak smile.

" is father there?" Draco asked.

" no" Narcissa replied.

Draco wrapped his arm around my waist and placed a kiss on my lips.

" cissy!  I missed you"  Enzo ran and hugged Narcissa as if he was a baby that was away from his mother.

But truth be told cissy (Narcissa) is the best. She has been more of a mother to me than my real mother.

We all went inside the Malfoy manor.

" ok everyone, freshen up" cissy said.

She looked at me with a huge smile and asked  " how much have I missed".

I was a bit confused at first but then I realized that she was talking about Draco's hand, the same hand that is wrapped around my waist.

After realizing what she ment, I started blushing immediately.

"mother we are dating " Draco said calmly.

How is he so calm right now? Me on the other hand, I'm shy and blushing like crazy.

Cissy clapped her hands with excitement and said " I always knew that you two will end up together ".

" mother" Draco said in a 'mom stop you are embarrassing me'  tone.

" you two are dating? How come I didn't know about it " Tom asked.

" even I didn't know about it, until today morning" Pansy said with an angry tone.

Well.. I have got a lot on making up to do.

" yeah, we came to know when they kissed today morning. You had gone for you duty or whatever so that's why you don't know" Mattheo said.

" drop it already " Draco stated.

We then went to our rooms.

I have my own room here so I went there and started unpacking.

I already have some of my stuff here.

The door opened and Draco walked in.

He sat on the bed.

" what are you doing" he asked.

" unpacking " I replied.

" and after that" he asked.

" I'm gonna go and have a bath" I replied.

" good, even I was planning to take a shower" he said.

" okay " I said, I'm confused, what is he trying to say.

" you know wasting water is bad" he said with a smirk.

Ok, now I understood where this conversation is going.

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