My garden

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I woke up one day
And saw how damaged
my garden was
It told me it felt anger
towards others

So I built a fence around it
I kept others out to
protect it from harm

Until one day I let a person in
She seemed sweet, kind and nurturing
My garden got better
but she left

For 3 months my garden stayed the same
Drained, withering and small
I tried to build a bigger fence
But more and more weeds came

Weeds killing my garden
Fungi hurting my garden
Diseases wiping out the other flowers
in my garden

Until it left a Indigo flower
In the middle

I built a stronger fence around
the little flower
Trying to protect it
From the weeds

But that flower started to wilt too
I cried, begging and asking the flower
What's wrong
But it was too small for
Me to hear it

So I went inside the house and
sunk into the bed

A month later
I looked out the window and saw the flower getting better.
It told me it needed water
Love and

So I grabbed my water can
My journal
And everyday I sat with the flower

We would talk everyday
While I watered her
Fed her
And read to her
To health

After a while the flower grew
Bigger and stronger
She blossomed into a beautiful rose
I took the big fence away
And let her grow

She grew
And grew
Until all the flowers came back
But they were never as big as her
The indigo flower stood tall
In her own way

And so I would nurture everyday
If possible

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