The party night.

20 0 0

J-(wakes up)

T-(already awake and in the shower)

J- *txts N* hey man

N- *gets txt from J*wsg

J-*N* wyd

N-*J* on ft wit heaven

J-*N* fr?

N-*J* fr.

J-*N*ok well I gtg.

N-*J*cya at the party man

J-*N*will do

T-*out of shower*

J-*walking down the hall to kitchen*

J-good morning sunshine

T-good morning to you too

J-how'd you sleep?

T-good actually

J- that's good

T-that bed was comfy.

J- well go get ready towel head.

T- shut up..

T-* goes and gets ready*

J-*gets food from fridge*


T-*done getting ready*

J-*done changing*

J-you ready?!*shouts*


J-ok let's go.

T- wait for me I have little leggss

H-*txts T*hey Girlll

T-*txts H*heyyyy!!

H-*txts*did you get home safe?

T-*txts*I spent the night in there guest room


H-*txts*I was on call wit Nate all night!


T-*txts*slick move girl!

H-*txts*ik I got w rizz

T-*txts*well cya at the party!

H-*txts*cya pretty girl 😘

    *hours later at the party*

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