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1 ✅Hosts✅ (4/5)
~ should be at least 13+
~ incharge of hosting awards and contests.
~ post on the community MB.
~ coming up with great contest ideas.

2 🤍Manager🤍 (5/5)
~ active people only.
~ manage each affairs of the community.
~ inform the hosts on any possible addition or subtraction in the community.

3 🤭interviewers🤭 (4/15)
~ you must be experienced.
~ interview future members.
~ choose who or not has been accepted for the position.
~ bring up interview questions.

4 🥺Graphic designer🥺 (4/10)
~ he/she must be very experienced and even if you're not, you must be good at your job.
~ make covers for the community.
~ make stickers for future contest/award winners.
~ make stickers for customers in our graphic shop (not out yet).

5 💃Promoters💃(8/20)
~ you don't need discord. They're based on wattpad
~ incharge of promoting the community on their message boards when needed.
~ inviting new members.
~ bring at least two people a day to the community

6 🥹Welcome🥹 (1/2)
~their main aim is to welcome new members on our discord server.

7 🌹Reviewers 🌹(5/10)
~ they check out member books and drop honest review on them.
~ they can also judge categories in upcoming awards.

8 🌜Editors🌛(1/5)
~ take editing requests.
~ edit members books when an editing order is placed.

9 🖊 bio writers 🖊 (0/5)
~ he/she must always be online at least twice a week.
~ design the community's bio every week.
~ take bio design order.
~ must be aesthetically good!

10 🌚Social media handler🌚 (1/3)
~now you must be very honest & transparent.
~ incharge of handling the discord account and our future instagram account.
~must always be online.

11 ✍️Judges✍️ (3/10)
~must be experienced
~must not be biased
~submit results before the deadline

Now that's it! 11 roles in total. Apply!!!
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