Why is life like this?

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    Luz walked through the halls of her school. She knew all her exit routes just in case they pop up. But who is "they" you may ask? They is Kenzie and her goons. Kenzie has been terrorizing Luz since the 3rd grade! God sometimes she wishes Kenzie would just let it go. In the 3rd grade, Luz got 1st place in the school's writing competition, and Kenzie got so jealous that she began to bully and threaten Luz. Worst of all, she got her friends to do it too. So Luz was NEVER safe.  Luz got to her locker. Of course tons of mean notes and comments had been taped onto the front. She wiped them all off and opened her locket to grab her math homework. "Hey Luz-er!" A boy yelled from across the hall. Jackson. Kenzie's dumbass jerk boyfriend. "You gonna go kiss some girls later fag?" Everyone began to laugh. Luz stayed quiet. She quickly grabbed her homework, slammed her locker door and quickly ran to the girl's bathroom. Tears rolled down her cheeks. She hated this school. With all her heart. This stupid fcking school. She opened up her phone. The light hurt her eyes, shining bright like the sun and lightning the whole stall up. She texted her mom asking if she could pick her up. Of course she said yes. Luz went out of the stall and walked to the nurse's office to wait for her mom to come get her.

"I swear if I ever get my hand on that kid he'll wish he was never-" "Mamí!" "Sorry. People are just so sick y'know?"Luz stayed quiet. "Mija, this is the 5th time this month you've ask me to pick you up early. Are you sure you don't wanna switch schools?" "It's gonna be...harder that way. I'll have to start over." "But! Different school different kids!" Luz rested her head back. Her mom didn't get it. Nobody ever did. Not her therapist, not her teachers, nobody.

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