Not so normal (???)

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Again all the pictures were taken from Pinterest.


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Entering the hall all eyes were on you. Probably because you were late.

Looking at Lady Lesso you approached the side where Nevers sat.

Sitting on the edge you glared at the Evers.

On the other hand Lady Lesso was scanning your outfit, head to toe. Smirking as you felt her stare.

"Shut up!" Lesso yelled as the hall went dead ass silent. "Beauty and grace first?" Says the cheerful blonde "Glad we agree." She added while standing infront of Lesso "Good evening! My name is Clarissa Dovey, The Dean of School for Good." She smiled while the Evers chanted. Stepping back Lady Lesso was now in the middle. "And I'm Lady Lesso, the Dean of The School for Evil." You smirked once again, watching her. "Glad we know who's the Lady and who's not." You spoke up. Clarissa turned a bright red color while the Nevers laughed and chanted for their Dean.

Having said that, Lesso shot you a quick glance before stepping back. "Now the School who won will open the school year with their performance." A voice was heard from afar. "Clarissa?" The voice said as the Dean hit her cane on the floor, gesturing the boys can start.

The men were in a clearly fake dueling match.

You weren't amused. Looking at Lesso you shot her a disgusted yet scared look. She tried to hold in her laughter.

After the duel was done they threw flowers to the Ever girls as a boy came in swinging on a rope with his sword. The ever girls started yelling "Tedros!" As he "fought" the other boys.

Almost falling asleep the parade was done.

Tedros threw his last flower and it somehow landed in your lap.

Opening your eyes feeling the sting of it's thorns he smiled and winked at you.

One of the princesses got furious, pouting and sending you death glares. Realizing she was jealous you took advantage, smiling at Tedros and smelling the rose. Tedros was staring at you when Lesso cleared her throat gesturing for Clarissa to continue her speech.

Not really paying attention you felt daggers poking in your side from the Evil Dean and the Tedros boy staring from the other side. Smiling you sat there until they dismissed you.

Going back to your dorm you realized someone was present in the room beside you. Being a curious girl you creaked the door open to see Lady Lesso. Slowly closing the doors you rolled your eyes, crossing your arms, walking to your room. Such a good roommate or whatever. Unlocking your doors you walked in, changing into pj's and collapsing on the bed, dozing off.

Classes start tomorrow and you weren't ready for torture. At least not the kind of torture you like.

Crawling under the covers you took a moment to remember Gavaldon and your parents. Smiling at the thought you won't see those people, if you can even call them that, ever again.

You slept for an hour or two before getting up and walking to the window. Opening it you sat on the edge admiring the cold wind and fresh air. Breathing in you smiled at the view. "Troublemaker what are you doing?" Flinching, you almost fell down but she catched you. "What the actual f- What are you doing here Lady Lesso?" Turning to her you walked in your room, closing the window and sighing. "You think i haven't noticed you earlier peeking into my room?" Your cheeks flushed a pale pink out of embarrassment. "Don't let it happen again." She walked out of the room.

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