Chapter one

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I was walking home and I heard my name being called. "~oh mea" I looked behind me. Nothing! "CRASH" "AHHHHHHH" A car came  full speed towards me. It went into the ground.
I was very confused. I walk the rest back to my home and once I got inside I yelled for my mom. "MOM IM HOME,Mom,hello?" I was confused. I walked around the house I checked the house number too 6304. "Weird she can't be still at work right? I looked more and saw nothing.

I went to my room and decided to go to my room and turn on my tv to pass the time to see if my mom comes back. A few hours went by when the tv downstairs turned on. I ran down stairs and saw that still my mom was not home yet. I ran upstairs and saw more stairs. I was very confused and scared I just ignored it and went back into my room and locked the door. Night came and I just Laid in my bed and waited to morning.

The next day I got to school and like always I was late to my class. "Mea how many times did I tell you to stop being late to my class" "sorry Ms.yur my mom was not home at all I was scared,and the tv turned in its self and-" "There is no time Ms. mea,now sit" I sat down and waited until the bell not thinking about the lesson just about what happened at home

Once the class was over I went to put my bag in my locker so I can go eat, but we'll I was doing that I saw a small book in my bag that had my name on it. I decided to wait until I was home to see what it was. I went to lunch and the rest of the day was normal. I wet home and  my mom was still not there. I went to my room to wait to see if my mom was ping to appear.

A few hours went by and I decided to turn on my tv and watch the news. The tv went to a black screen and the tv said " There has been reports of a undignified creature that you will be refers as a alternates. Until we think that everything is safe we recommend that you stay home and lock all of your door and windows, and to have a weapons that needs ammo.  You will know if this is a alternative based off of what it looks like.  If you see someone that looks like you run and hide. You can also see if it is a alter wit if it has weird characteristics also run and hide. If it gets in you home run and hide and don't talk or look at it if you do it will talk to you of there psychological warfare.
we will let you try to execute them yourself but be warned they are STRONG."

The tv went to talk about the T.H.I.N.K. PRINCIPLE and what the letters stand for. I was watching more until a screen came on and it said "KILL YOURSELF there's not enough room for the two of us." The tv went on the show us the types of alternates. I turned the tv off of fear.

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