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I rub my eyes sleepily.

Last night was horrible for me.

Nightmare after nightmare, I woke up covered in sweat and with tears running down my face. Most of the night I was tucked in with my baby duck plushie, Puddles, but after so much kicking and screaming he ended up falling off the bed.

Sorry, Puddles.

In the end, I couldn't fall asleep again. It took hours until the monsters from my nightmares faded into darkness. 

It took me longer than usual to get up this morning, which is totally unlike me. I love mornings! They're the best, especially when I wake up with a big smile on my face. 

The smell of it, the sound of the birds, and especially getting to watch the sun rise, but today, I've been a total grinch.

My chest heaves as I try to calm myself back down. I feel a dull throb that signifies a headache, but I push it away. That on top of an empty stomach. 

I look up at the sky to see the rain pouring from it.

Same here, sky.

I walk into the bakery with my legs sore from walking so long.

The small of coffee hits my nostrils almost immediately and I frown involuntarily. 

I would kill for one of those right now.

You're probably thinking, Why don't you just make yourself one?

Well, that's because Mrs.Erica is a big bully and makes me pay for my own drinks, which I don't have the money for. Any spare change I dig up will automatically go to bills I need to catch up on.

Speaking of Ms.Erica, hopefully she isn't too upset with me for being late. I glance at the clock on the wall to see the time reads 8:47. Dear God.

She's going to be furious.

 I sigh, walking into the back area of the kitchen having to clock in. Sure enough, Mrs.Ericas office door is slammed open. I cringe as it echoes through the whole lounge. 

"Took your sweet time getting here, didn't you?" Her voice drips with sarcasm. 

"How do you expect to be a baker when you can't even be here to serve your goddamn customers!?" 

I wince. 

I don't even try to defend myself, there's no point. 

My head hurts with each rude remark she spit's out, and all I want to do is cry then take a nap. 


But I can't let her get to me. If I say the wrong thing and upset her even more than she already is, there is a big possibility of me losing my job. I need this job! 

I clear my throat and answer, "I apologize, Mrs.Erica." I give her a small smile, praying to God it would be enough to get her off my back. 

She scoffs, rolling her eyes, "Clock in and get to work, Abelli."

She looks at me shaking her head for a couple more seconds before turning back into her office, not forgetting to  slam the door.


"Is that all for you today?" I politely asked the young lady in front of me.

She was wearing a dark red skirt and a black blouse. She wore black doc martens and carried a leather backpack over her back. Her style reminded me of what one would consider "alternative." And I liked it, it fit her!

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