9 - Cages, Confessions, and Comfort

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[Art by Ireland is Viney on Amino]

A/N: I did some small edits to previous chapters to make it so Y/n hasn't fallen yet, to make it a bit more interesting >:) Enjoy the chapter!

Y/n's POV

I fought as well as I could against the coven scouts, we all did. They only slightly outnumbered us and I'm certain we could have taken them if not for having just played an excruciating game of Flyer Derby. Oh, and I was dealing with the fact I'd been betrayed. Again.

I'm usually always on my guard, but between wanting to make Willow happy and our last confusing encounter I messed everything up and gave that idiot a second chance. A first chance was out of my control, but this one was my choice, and I made the wrong decision. It won't happen again.

Defeated looks sit sadly on my friend's faces as we slump in our cage. I'd been in the police precinct before, but usually they didn't have a guard watching us, and I didn't want to get my friends in any further trouble with a risky escape plan.

In an attempt to lift everyone's spirits, I begin singing a witches' drinking song. "100 jugs of Apple Blood on the wall! 100 jugs of Apple Blood!" Most of my teammates turn to me in confusion, and I see a smile pull at Gus's face. I have to rush the word Apple Blood to make it fit the tune, so I keep tripping over it as I count down the jugs. Before I know it, most of my team is hiding their smiles behind their hands and even the guard is tapping his foot.

But I can only get to the 82nd jug of Apple Blood before I get interrupted by Hunter walking into the room, his presence immediately bringing the mood down. Not to mention the fact he's collected all our palismen in his arms. My teammates retreat to the back of the cell while I move to the front, hands squeezing the bars like a lifeline.

Hunter leans the palismen against the wall, just out of my reach. Anger boils within me at the sight of my palisman, P/n, between them. I debate using my magic to bring them closer, but decide it's better to wait until we're actively escaping. For now, the most I can do is annoy Hunter, which I am conveniently an expert at.

Before I can open my mouth for a quick remark, Hunter speaks. "Look, I'm sorry about the whole cell thing," he says, not sounding sorry in the slightest, "but did you really have to punch Steve, Skara?" I smirk at Skara who hides her look of small triumph in the shadows of the cell.

"I get it," Steve says. "Emotions are running high. Ice pack for Steve."

While Hunter's distracted by the guard, I aim for his head and spit right at it. Of course, he takes this moment to turn, moving out of the way, instead landing on Steve.

"You hit Steve!" he exclaims. "We just talked about this!"

"I wouldn't have if you hadn't moved," I retort. "Now stay still this time." I make a horrible gurgling noise for show and Hunter shivers while the rest of my team laughs. Good, I just need to keep morale high before we plan our escape.

Hunter shakes his head, crossing his arms. "I don't get it, you're joining the best coven there is! You can keep all your magic, you get free room and board, you can even play Flyer Derby on your day off." He ponders for a moment. "Well, this year's day off has already past, but next year's only 52 weeks away!" Titan, he looks far too cheery about that horrible schedule, I'm starting to see where those eyebags came from.

"We don't care!" Skara yells, leaning against Viney. "We don't want this!"

"You will eventually. Trust me, I'm your friend now!" The remark turns my stomach, especially considering how sincere he looked. If he actually believes this, I have a lot more on my plate than I originally thought. My vision clouds with anger, but before I can do anything, Gus speaks.

Yours, H || Golden Guard x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now