Pilot Chapter 1 :Way of the ninja

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The chapter kicks off in Ignacia village, centered around a blacksmith shop where two siblings are hard at work.

Kai is vigorously hammering a heated sword on an anvil, attempting to shape it into a proper blade.

Kai: "To forge the perfect weapon, you need the right metal and plenty of heat." He turns, dipping the blade into a water barrel. "Cool it off... And... Presto." Examining the sword, he sighs in disappointment, noticing the bent and unusable blade.

Nya, checking the blade, chuckles.

Nya: "You made it too quickly, Kai. Be patient. If father were still here, he'd say..." Before she can finish, Kai interrupts.

Kai: "I know. No matter how much fire you have, experience isn't something you learn overnight. That may work for you, Nya, but I'm gonna be a better blacksmith than dad ever was."An old man enters the shop, scanning the products before approaching Kai.

Old Man: "Hmm... Your metal is loud and heavy. Useful to slow one down. Useless in the art of stealth. All tools for a samurai, but none for a ninja."

Kai: "Ninja? You're a long way from finding a ninja in these parts, old man. The shop is called Four Weapons, not for browsing. Either buy something or peddle your insults elsewhere."

Old Man: "Ha! Too bad. Thought I'd find something special here." 

Nya gestures to Kai to show the man around, but as Kai turns, the old man vanishes.

Nya: "What is it?"

Kai: "He was just... Forget it."

A dark cloud looms over Ignacia, and engine sounds signal the arrival of skeletal trucks. One truck, with three skulkin generals, arrives on a hill, surrounded by motorbikes.

Nuckal: "Let me go first! Please, oh please! I'm dying to go down there!"

Kruncha: "You nitwit, you're already dead! Control yourself in front of Master Samukai!"

Samukai: "Sorry, boys, but this one is mine. Just remember what we're after and find that map. Attack!"

The skulkin vehicles accelerate, and the citizens charge at them but quickly retreat when scared by Samukai.

At the blacksmith shop, Nya watches the skulkin and turns to Kai.Nya: "What are they?"

Kai, now wearing samurai gear, turns to Nya.

Kai: "I don't know. Stay here."

He walks out, sword in hand, and takes a fighting stance. Skulkin approach with weapons made of bones, and Kai fights them. During the battle, a skulkin decapitates itself, shocking Kai. Ignoring it, he defeats another skulkin, only to have the decapitated head bite his foot.

Kai: "Ow! Bite this!" He kicks the head over the blacksmith shop. Two skulkin clap, impressed, but are knocked out by Nya's sneak attack.

Surrounded by skulkin warriors, Kai is surprised by his sister.

Kai: "I thought I told you to stay back!"

Nya: "and what? let you have all the fun?"

As the sibling's are fighting the skeleton army, Kruncha and nuckal,(The two lower generals), sneak into the shop and look at the merchandise, nuckal decides to put on a helmet and look at himself in the gong that was on the wall. Kruncha noticing this, picks up another helmet and walks up to him

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