Chaper one

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The phone rang in the house of the powerpuff girl's house. professor answered the phone. The power Puff girls looked up for what was about to come. " Okay Mayor the power Puff girls are on their way." the professor shouted at the phone then slammed it down. " Ok girls the rowdyruff boys r robing the bank u must stop them" professor shouted. " yes professor!!!" The girls said in unison then bolted out the door.
(Meanwhile on the other side of the town at the bank)
"Ughhhhh it is soooo hottttt" boomer said loudly sitting infront of the bank with sweat poring off of him." I know right dude" Dutch agreed . " Then let's do soming about it " brick said jumping up. " let's go to the lake!!!" "YEAH" boomer and butch yelled together.
then before they could leave the powerpuff girls appeared. " we know what y'all r doing so we r going to stop yall" yelled blossom . "awwwwe" boomer became upset about the news about them now going to be able to go to the lake. The other boys looked a little upset too. " ok find we will no go we will just go home " brick said not trying to start conflict. the other too boys stud up as brick started to walk. the walked to the alley in between the bank and the little shot. "let's follow them they r probably up to no good." buttercup said out of no where. "good idea" blossom replied. the three girls floated up to ovoid the boys from seeing them. they did not see the boys all they saw were a bunch of boxes in the shape of a fort. they could hear the boys though. "hey guys I hear that it is going to ran to night" butch blurted out. after that was said the boys came of from the there box fort. brick walked to a pile of torn tarps and blankets. he took the tarp and put it on the fort and put the blankets in. butch walked to a pile of tinfoil. he picked up some and walked back to the fort and put the tinfoil over the holes in the tarp. boomer disappeared into a dumpster and came back out with a pot and a bunch of rocks. he came back and put the pot out of the fort and put the rocks in so it would not blow away. " all done!!!!" They said together laughing. the girls above them were shocked to see what state of living they were in and that they could still be happy.

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