Face your Fears

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Now that the plan was set, it was time to relay that plan to Brook. But who is going to do it?

"Maybe I should be the one to tell her." Thomas offered, as he sat on a sofa in the living room of the shared estate. "Sir Topham Hatt did assign me to be the first with his plan." 

"It would make sense Thomas." Percy agreed, who was sitting beside him. "We'll leave it to you then, do tell us how it goes." 

"Don't worry, I will." He smiled. "We should get to bed; I'll see you in the morning Percy." He gets up and heads for his room. 

"Goodnight Thomas." He gets up and heads to his own room. 

Once morning arrived, Thomas was the first to wake before everyone else. With a quick breakfast he left to fetch his engine to head to the ranch.

Thankfully Brook was awake early this cool morning so she could get some work done on the ranch. She was getting ready for the day going to and from different rooms of the house. Once she gets dressed, she starts to make something in the kitchen, that was when she heard a train whistle in the distance, she glanced out a window to see a familiar small blue train come to a stop at her station. She didn't expect him to be here. Seeing him coming down the trail she heads to the door to meet him there.

"Morning Brook!" Thomas greeted her when seeing her open the door.

"Hey Thomas." She smiled as she invited him in, closing the door behind her. "I was just making an omelet before I got to work. Would you like one?"

"Hm, Sure, why not! I only had something small before I left."

"Well when you're here, you will get fed, no one goes hungry in this house, that's what my momma always taught me." She chuckled as she headed back to the kitchen, Thomas couldn't help but smile as he sat down at the table.
Brook made up two omelets and two cups of juice and handed him his then she took a seat across from him.
When he took the first bite his face lit up.
"This is delicious Brook!"

"Thanks, eggs came fresh straight out my own backyard with my hens." She smiled.

"I can say I do recognize the difference, but a good one."

"I'm curious as to why you're here so early, don't you have work?" Brook looked in his direction while drinking from her cup.

He shook his head. "Not today! Edward is taking over my job till tomorrow. Me and the others told Sir Topham Hatt about your fear, and that we wanted to help you overcome it. So he came up with a plan!"

"And that is?"

"To make sure the railway ran smoothly while we help you. He advised us that one at a time each of us will be here to help you every day in some way. So today is me! And while I'm here, one of the others will take over my job. Same goes for each of us. Tomorrow, Percy will be next. Then I will be the one to do his afternoon jobs. And the list goes on."

She took a moment to process all he said, putting the pieces together.
"So, you are going to be here all day to help me with my trainphobia, and the same goes for the rest of you."

"Yup!" He smiled.

"Got it.." She takes a bite of her food. "So what's the plan?"

"Well." Thomas started. "From what we were told that James did with you yesterday, we'd take it slow of course, I'll let you take the first step at your own pace."

She nodded to this. "Alright, sounds like a plan." 

Once they both finished eating, she and Thomas head outside, he led her to the station where his engine sat. Brook could see the size difference between James' and Thomas' engines. This one was much smaller. 

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