chapter four

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DJ, who had taken a seat two steps below Beverly, enjoyed the coolness of the shade for a while. Nevertheless, it was the Fourth of July, so it was still quite warm, no matter the shade that the house threw.

Beverly had called DJ first from her friends, so she had shown up first as well. The two of them, however, had sat outside on the fire escape instead of going in. Although DJ tried, Bev wouldn't tell her why the group had to come to her house. At least Bev wouldn't, until everyone was there. Finally DJ had given in and the two just talked about whatever came to mind.

Noticing that Beverly wasn't feeling that great, DJ decided to distract her from whatever had happened and talked about the first thing that came to her mind, which was that they still hadn't fully sorted out the Gretta problem.

"I just want to say you're the best girl friend I ever had and Gretta can't even compare to you." DJ murmured softly, leaning the back of her head against the cold metal of the stairs.

Bev managed a small smile at her words, "Thank you, DJ. By the way I still think you did more than enough to stand up for me."

Her friend huffed, shaking her head slowly, "You're stubborn. I still believe I could've done more."

"It's the past," shrugged Bev indifferently. "It's no use to blame yourself for stuff that happened already."

DJ allowed a grin to light up her face, her eyes looking up at the sky, "Well, aren't you wise?"

"Must be Rich's good influence." Beverly joked, chuckling with DJ.

"Must be... Hey, I'm glad we sorted that out. Isn't it funny how quickly we've grown close? It took me five weeks to be accepted into Gretta's group and five more to work myself to the top."

"Ugh, that sounds stressful," remarked Bev. "Our friendship with the boys is way better than that."

"Yep, besides this friendship is real. Though, I know that sounds a bit odd, I feel like we aren't complete yet." DJ muttered thoughtfully, closing her eyes and enjoying the soft breeze that went through her hair.

"Like there's still a missing piece," Beverly exclaimed, agreeing with her friend. "I think so as well."

DJ opened her eyes again, when Beverly suddenly jumped up. It took a moment to focus, then she heard the voices of her other friends. Bev was already running down the stairs when DJ got up and jogged after her.

"You made it. I... I need to show you something." Bev greeted them, whereas DJ only sent them a smile and little wave.

"What is it?" Ben questioned, glancing at DJ, who shrugged.

"More than we saw at the quarry?"

"Shut up! Just shut up, Richie." Eddie snapped in annoyance, as DJ whacked Richie's head with her hand.

Bev simply ignored the Tozier boy, worried about her father. "My dad will kill me if he finds out I had boys in the apartment."

"Then w-we'll leave a lookout. Richie, s-s-stay here." Bill ordered, as the group left their bikes to accompany Beverly to her apartment.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! What if her dad comes back?" Richie asked worriedly.

As everyone walked up the stairs, Stan stayed back to turn to him and call, "Do what you always do. Start talking."

DJ let out a laugh at Stan's sassiness, quickly making her way up the stairs.

"It is a gift." She could hear Richie call after them, as Stan was right behind her, and another chuckle left her lips.

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