Chapter Six: The Ultimate Splotching Championship

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"Who's ready for the Ultimate Splotching Championship?" Sir Caton asks as he walks in with the rest of the Mentors for physical education again. All the prodigies cheer, and I do my best to look enthusiastic, but I miserably fail. All the mentors are carrying at least three huge sacks of tiny, colorful balls - each. Showing off their strength, I guess. I remember the past times we did the Ultimate Splotching Championship. They happen rarely, so they're a treat, and those who last longer than one round always look like they're having the time of their lives.

"What's the Ultimate Splotching Championship?" Sophie whispers nervously to me as the assesses the other prodigies celebrating quietly - and very loudly. Wonderboy is grinning, pumping his hand in the air. He always wins.

"Telekinesis." I spit out the word as if it's an insult, and Sophie's eyebrow shoot up. "I suck at telekinesis," I say with a sigh, but I see hope flicker in her eyes.

"Everyone, find a partner! You know the rules!" Sir Caton calls, and Sophie and I naturally partner up and find a place to stand while we wait for the games to begin.

"How does this work?" Sophie asks while the rest of the prodigies find their partners and debate with each other about who should team up with who. 

"We push the splotcher at each other with our minds," I explain, motioning toward the brightly colored balls, "and whoever gets splattered loses. The winners play each other until there's only one left, and that person wins."

Sophie nods slowly, and just in time. "Everyone, on your marks," Sir Caton orders right as lady Alexine hands Dex a neon pink splotcher. I toss the splotcher in between us. "Catch!"

It heads straight to the ground, and for a moment it seems like I'm going to win just like that. But Sophie manages to just barely catch it with her mind. "Sorry, I forgot you're worse at this stuff than me," I say with a smug grin. "At least I'll win one match this time."

Sophie rolls her eyes at me and balls her fists up. She takes a deep breath, then waits for the signal. "Splotch!" The force of the splotcher sends me stumbling back and I lift a hand toward my mouth, where the bright pink splotcher has landed, its pink clime running down my chin. She nailed him right on my smile.

"Sorry," Sophie says, but she's smiling.

"It's okay," I say, sighing. "I guess I deserved it."

"Well done, Sophie!" Sir Caton interrupts, sounding surprised. Sophie rolls her eyes for a moment, but then turns a little more respectful toward her Mentor. "Go ahead and move to the winners. Dex can join those colorful prodigies over there." Sir caton points to a group forming on his left, and I flush pink, scowl, and turn to say bye to Sophie.

Before I leave, Sophie asks, "So what's the prize for this contest, anyway?"

"Usually a pardon from one punishment - but don't get your hopes up. Fitz always wins - not that Wonderboy ever does anything to need a pardon." I mime gagging, with draws a light laugh out of Sophie. "Anyway, I hope you win a few more rounds."

She smiles. "Thanks."

I watch as Stina is paired up with Sophie - or really, Stina pairs herself up with Sophie. Not because she wants to befriend her or anything, but because she wants to smack Sophie with the splotcher. I shake my head. Sophie better be good, or Stina will be bragging about it forever. I hear Stina speak, even though I don't want to. "Even a muskog could beat Dex," she sneers, and my fists clench by my side. "Let's see how you do against a real opponent." She tosses a bright blue splotcher at Sophie's head, which Sophie effortlessly catches. "I'm going to enjoy this," Stina sneers. "I'll aim for your eyes - finally turn them blue.

Sophie grits her teeth and I cross my fingers by my side. "Get set!" Sir Caton calls, and I watch the match with intensity. "Splotch!" Before I can process what happened, Stina's cheek is slimy and blue and she is crying out.

"Sorry," Sophie says, her eyes wide. I smile, but silently remind her not to apologize. It's Stina she just hurt - who cares?

"No reason to apologize," Lady Alexine corrects rather sternly. "Well done, Sophie. I haven't seem such raw telekinetic power in a long time." Sophie flushes and a smile plays at her lips.

"But she hurt me!" Stina complained. "That disqualifies her, doesn't it?"

"I didn't mean -" Sophie starts, but she's cut off as Lady Alexine holds up her hands.

"You didn't do anything wrong. If you're hurt, Miss Heks, go to the Healing Center. Either way, Sophie won fair and square." Stina huffs and stalks off, wiping at her slimly blue cheek. Lady Alexine turns back to look at Sophie. "As for you, Miss Foster," Lady Alexine adds, "I think it might be a good idea to put you with the Level Threes so your opponents can match your mental strength." Sophie's eyes light up and I wait for her to lose. But she doesn't. She battles prodigy after prodigy, taking them down duel after duel, and soon enough, she is stepping forward to battle Wonderboy.

"It appears we've reached our final battle," Sir Caton announces. I have found a spot in the front to watch. "I think it's safe to say that this is the most unusual match we've had in Foxfire history. Are the competitors ready?"

Wonderboy steps toward Sophie smugly, and I grit my teeth, watching them, hoping, hoping, hoping that Sophie is good enough to finally take His Highness Wonderboy down. "I am."

"Uh, me too," Sophie says and her voice is shaky.

"Go, Fitz!" Someone calls - a girl with dark hair and teal eyes - Wonderboy's sister Biana.

"Beat Wonderboy!" I call, but I'm drowned out by Keefe.

"Kick his butt, Sophie!" He cheers, and for once I agree with one of Wonderboy's friends. "It's about time someone took Fitz down.

"Some best friend you are," Fitz replies easily, but he's smiling.

"Any preference on the splotcher color?" Sir Caton asks, grinning as he looks from Sophie to Fitz.

"Pink! Pink! Pink! Make Fitz look pretty in pink!" While Keefe is the one who started the chant, I yell it probably the loudest.

Sophie looks at Fitz for him to decide. He grins and points toward her. "Ladies' choice."

"Pink," Sophie decides, and I cheer.

"Pink it is." Sir Caton digs into the bag to find a neon pink splotcher and tosses it in between Sophie and Fitz. "On your marks! Get set... Splotch!"

They stare each other down, for a moment. And then Sophie lifts her hands and their forces rebound, throwing Sophie and Fitz against opposite walls. Someone screams and people rush to check on them, but one sentence is ringing through my mind, loud and clear. Sophie totally beat the Unbeatable Wonderboy.

A/N: Thanks for reading! Don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts!

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