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"Uncle Ben, let's go!! I wanna see Iron Man!!" Little Peter in his green pants and sweatshirt yells as he runs towards the stage Iron Man would soon be on with his red balloon. "Peter slow down!" Uncle Ben says chasing after Peter. Peter gets to the stage and waits for Iron Man to arrive. Uncle Ben goes to him and holds his hand. "Don't run off next time, Peter." Uncle Ben tells him. "Sorry, uncle!" Peter apologized. Fireworks then start to go off. Peter watches in awe. He's always liked fireworks. Not as much as Iron Man though. Suddenly, screaming can be heard. Uncle Ben quickly picks up Peter and starts to run towards the exit. Then a explosion happens next to them. Making uncle Ben fall and tumble and caused him to drop Peter, who got thrown a few inches away. But because of the amount of running people, Peter kept getting further and further away from his uncle. He held onto his balloon tight. So if his uncle needed to find him all he'd have to look for is a red balloon. More explosions go off and Peter lays on the ground curled into a ball, wanting to be with his uncle.

"Солдат, ищи железного человека." (Soldier, look for iron man.) Alexander Pierce says over our earpieces. "на нем." (On it.) I reply. I make my way into the wreak of what used to be the Stark Expo. I see a kid.. they looked 6 years old.. "No, No, No, No, No, No!!" I yell and run over to the kid. I shake them softly and slowly. "Kid please wake up.." I say. The kid slowly turns and looks at me. I smile and pick him up with my metal arm. "Hey kid are you okay?" I ask, but the kid seemed.. distracted. "Are you working with Mr. Stark? Did he give you this hand?" The kid ask. I ignore him. "Where are your parents?" I ask. "I came with my Uncle but I don't know where he is.." I wanna help this kid.. But I have a mission. "Let the kid go!!" I hear behind me. I Look to see the one and only Iron Man. "Look who decided to fly in." I say coldly. "Let go of the kid." He says. I look at the kid who's memorized by who's standing in front of him. "He needs to find his Uncle." I say. The man of Iron raises his arm and starts to aim a electric blast at me. "I wouldn't do that if I were you. You'd hurt the kid too." I tell him. "I'm not gonna say it again. Let the kid go." He says. I place the kid on the floor. I Look at the kid who's holding onto his red balloon. Suddenly, I feel waves of electricity. He actually did it.


I blast the Winter soldier with electricity and pick up the kid. "Are you okay, kid?" I ask. He nods quickly. "Stark! We have more company!" Rogers says over the ear pieces. "I have to help this kid then I'll be there." I tell rogers. "What does your uncle look like?" I ask the kid. "He has gray hair.. um.. black glasses and he's wearing a black button up and brown pants.." The kid says. "Alright. Come on. We'll find him." I say. The kid nods. I hover slowly and start to hover around, looking for his uncle. "Wait!! S-Stop!" The kid says. I stop and stop hovering. He runs over to someone on the floor. Oh no.. I go over slowly. "U-Uncle Ben..? Uncle Ben wake up!!" The kid says shaking the body. "Jarvis.. check vitals.." I tell Jarvis to do. "There is no heart beat, Mr. Stark." Jarvis says. "Kid.. I'm sorry.." I say and the kid looks at me slowly, his eyes tearing up. He starts sobbing all the sudden. "H-Hey.. I-It's okay.! It's okay.!" I say, not knowing what to do. I go onto my knees and hug him. He sobs into my suit. "Do you have any other family.?" I ask and he nods. "I have a situation to take care of.. Can you guys hold these guys off?" I say into my ear piece. "I can take care of it if you need, Tony! We really need you out here!" Romanoff says. "Meet me at the entrance." I say. I Look at the kid. "We have to go to the entrance.. okay? Black Widow will take you home, okay?" I tell him and he nods. I pick him up and make my way to the entrance. Not noticing The Winter Soldier was gone..




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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2023 ⏰

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