chapter one

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Cedric loved the way Harry moaned his name. High pitched, lustful, and passionate. Just the way he liked it.

For the past 3 nights, the seemingly innocent, tall, kind, and popular 7th year Cedric Diggory has had the Harry Potter in his bed. Originally, it was only supposed to be a one time thing. But as time progressed, they both realized they wanted each other more than they thought. 

With every passing second, Cedric felt like he was getting closer and closer to having one of the many intense orgasms he has ever experienced in his life, and it was all because of a dare.

3 Days Earlier

"Ced, you know the Triwizard tournament is coming up soon. Loosen up before you have to play!" Matthew said as he walked through the courtyard and playfully punched Cedric in his arm. "There's a party in Slytherin house this Saturday. Please come? Cho Chang will be there..." He finished with a wink.

Cedric cringed at her name. They had broken up already because of personal issues, but everyone expected them to get back together. That was after seeing how heartbroken Cho was after their split.

"I'll see if I have time, I have to study guys." Cedric gave a light hearted smile and responded to the group of friends including Matthew he was with.

Cedric was anything but intimidated by parties. He loved to have fun and maybe hookup a bit here and there, which is surprising considering he is seen as innocent and sweet to everyone around him. He loved to show his true self with all of his many intimate partners. He would never admit this, but he lost track of his body count.

"Okayyyy well if you don't come I just might steal Cho from you!" Matthew exclaimed before running off to class. 

Cedric dry chuckled and rolled his eyes then shortly followed after him.


"Potter, this is the third time with week you've fallen asleep in my class. Is this class not important to you, because if that is the case I suggest you stop being a waste of space and leave." Professor Snape snarkily remarked to Harry.

"Sorry Professor, I was having trouble getting sleep last night because your face kept haunting my dreams." Harry replied with an attitude.

Snape glared at Harry for a second before striding away, leaving Harry feeling victorious. 

"Harry, he's right you know. This past week you have been acting a little different, are you okay mate?" Ron politely asked.

"Yeah I'm fine. I just needed rest is all." Harry tiredly responded. 

"Okay. Well you'd better rest up cause I'm dragging you to a party this weekend!" Ron excitedly exclaimed.

Harry had always been on the shyer side, he didn't really enjoy interacting with people that weren't his close friends.

"No you are not!"  Hermione  butt in, "He still has loads of assignments he needs to hand in, essays he needs to right, and-!"

"'Mione! Loosen up a bit would ya? It's just a party, I'm sure he can get all of that done before then right?" Ron interrupted. 

Harry shook his head and gave Hermione a sorry look.

"Great then! It's in Slytherin house and be sure to look your best, there's gonna be loads of girls there." Ron remarked.

Hermione scoffed and walked away to continue brewing her potion, while Harry brainstormed about what he was going to wear.


As soon as class was over, Harry went to the library to pick up a few books he needed to write Snape's essay. As soon as he walked in he immediately regretted his decision to come there as he saw none other than-

"Well, well, well, look what we have here. Potter what a lovely surprise!" Draco Malfoy said while walking towards Harry.

Harry had always felt a resentment towards Malfoy for most obvious reasons but this time he felt different... he felt somewhat nervous.

"I've been hearing you're attending my party this weekend... I don't know how or why you got invited and frankly couldn't care less, but I look forward to seeing you there Potter." Draco said before carefully brushing past Harry and leaving the library

He felt that interaction would come to be many weird ones he would have with a certain blonde.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2023 ⏰

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