Chapter 1 - Group Project

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I mindlessly flipped through my notebook as the professor continued on with her lecture. I've been studying at the Akademiya for quite some time now, yet lectures like these always seemed to drag on.

"Which brings me to my next point. You all have a group assignment to work on for the next 2 months. I expect you all to record detailed findings on your Yokai of choice. Get to know their habits, favorite meals, or any traditions they might have that are different from your own."

We get to research Yokai for Teyvat History now. How interesting. The teacher started calling out group pairings and I immediately zoned back in once I heard my name being called.

"Y/N. You'll be working in a group with Al Haitham."

Oh boy. Al Haitham was certainly a... choice. I barely know much about him considering he barely talks to anyone and mostly keeps to himself. He held pretty high grades and considering my own, maybe I'll stand a chance on this assignment.

The professor finished assigning everyone their pairs before she started to hand out some folders. "Inside, you'll find the Yokai you'll be researching during this time. Again I expect..."

I looked around the room and spotted Al Haitham. He didn't seem to be paying much attention either as he was reading a book on his own. He briefly looked up as the file was placed on his desk. The file was snatched up by him and soon enough, I watched Al Haitham walk out of the lecture hall.

My mind went completely blank while I tried to figure out the possibilities of what could be in the file. Wait... Al Haitham just walked off with our file. I should be going after him right now. I quickly got up and ran to catch up with him.

"Hey- You're Al Haitham right? My name's Y/N. I believe we're partners for-"

"Partners? I'm sorry but I don't really do partners." He glared at me with his turquoise eyes and continued to walk off.

"W-Wait! Can we please work together? I promise not to be a bother."

He sighed. "You already are being one, but I guess so as long as you promise to not get in the way too much."

"I promise."

"Good. Meet me in my room to discuss the contents of the file tonight." He walked away for a third time and this time I just let him go.

"Huh...we'll guess I know what I'm doing tonight."

I walked back to my room. Thankfully my roommate was away at their own class so I had time to get a quick nap in before tonight. I lied down in my bed and gently closed my eyes.


I groaned as I heard the sound of my roommate's voice.

"Y/N," he whined. "Get upppp! You're going to miss dinner soonnnn."

I rolled over. "What time is it, Rifaet?"

"Almost 8 pm."

I immediately got up from where I was. "Shoot-"
My roommate watched as I rolled out of bed and threw myself together in a matter of minutes. "I'll be back later tonight."

"Alright Y/N. Stay safe."

With that, I ran out the door and to the dinning hall to grab something to eat. I picked up a prepared bowl of stew and then booked it to Al Haitham's dorm.

My hand gently knocked on the door. There was quite a bit of shifting before a blonde haired man answered. "What do you need?"

"I'm here to see Al Haitham."

"Oh- Come in." He turned around a yelled across the room. "You have a guest."

I walked in and watched as Al Haitham looked up from his book on the couch. "You're late."

"I'm really sorry I was sleeping in."

He groaned and got up. I don't know why but I was slightly disappointed when he did so. Maybe it was because I was staring at his abs and the position he was lying in really put his muscles on full displ- Wait what am I even thinking?!

Al Haitham waved his hand in front of my face. "Hey- You done staring? We have to get started on the project."

"Oh! Right." He handed the file over to me. I opened it. It says that the subject of our paper is the red oni.

"I started to do a bit of research already, and the red Oni is said to live in the outskirts of Inazuma on Yashiori Island. So, we'll head there first. Then we'll spend the time researching more, and asking the oni questions. By the time we finish with that, we can head back, revise our paper, and hand it in to the professor. Any questions on all of that?"

I processed everything he just said. "I mean it seems pretty straight forward."

"Good. We'll leave tomorrow then."

The blonde poked his head out of the room. "Did I just hear you were leaving?"

Al Haitham side eyed him. "For a month or so, yeah. Why?"

The other male grinned. "No reason at all. I'm just happy you won't be around."

"Oh trust me the feeling is mutual."

I chuckled a tiny bit at their banter.

"Y/N. Why don't you stay here tonight so I can make sure you're up and ready to go on time."

"Huh? Are you sure? Can't you just come to my dorm and wake me instead?"

"I could but it'd be a lot easier if you were right here. So go grab your things for the trip and come back here when you've finished."

"Fine." I got up and walked out of Al Haitham's room to head back to my own. Rifaet was sitting on the couch and watched as I started to pack.

"Going somewhere already?"

"Mhm. I'll be in Inazuma with Al Haitham for the next month." I zipped up my suitcase and grabbed a pair of pajamas to change into for tonight.

"Aw man. Well have fun. If Al Haitham gets to be a little too much you can always come back here."

"I will, but he hopefully won't be. He's not too bad."

"If you say so."

I walked back to Al Haitham's dorm and saw that he was now in his room getting everything set up. I used this as an opportunity to change, and quickly stripped myself of everything but a pair of boxers. I put on my pajama pants and walked into the room. "Hey I'm back."

"Oh good. You'll be sleeping here tonight."

I'll admit the bed looked really comfortable but... "Where will you be sleeping then?"

"Right here as well. You have a problem with that?"

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