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I felt as if my life was flashing before my eyes. The wind whipped against my skin as I stumbled, trying to run my hardest to get between Boruto and Kawaki. I didn't think about the consequences of risking my life to stop them from their petty banter. All I could hear was the endless ringing in my ears, drowning out everything else. I saw their lips moving, shouting my name, but the sound didn't reach me.

I made it to the middle, standing still to stop the attacks from hitting each other, even if it meant I took the brunt of it. I saw the swirling blue orbs of the Rasengans coming straight for me. Everything seemed to move in slow motion, but before I could even blink, a tall figure appeared in front of me, grabbing both Boruto's and Kawaki's arms, spinning them around, and flinging them in opposite directions. The Rasengans exploded behind them, the sound deafening and my ears ringing even more.

I hesitantly looked up at my savior, recognizing the red and white coat blowing in the wind. It was Lord Seventh.

"Lord Seventh," I said, my voice hesitant, the reality of my survival sinking in.

"I can't catch a break with those two," he said, looking down at me with a tired but understanding expression. "But I do wonder why they're both fighting over you when Boruto knows full well that you are Kawaki's."

"Huh, what?" I replied, still dazed and confused.

He bent down to my height, placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder. His smile was soft and gentle, giving me a sense of security despite the chaos that had just unfolded. It was a smile that made me feel like everything might be okay, even with the turmoil inside me.

"Y/n, go home and meet at the training grounds tomorrow. I'll deal with this," he said, ending the conversation. I nodded in response, turning to walk away, my mind still racing with worry about Kawaki. 


The sun blares down on me as I walk through the bustling markets of Konoha, enjoying the brief free time I have before I need to meet the team for our assignment. There's a pleasant hum of activity all around—vendors selling their goods, people chatting, and kids playing in the streets. But beneath it all, there's an eerie feeling that makes my skin crawl.

I sense someone following me, their chakra signature intense and unsettling. I try to stay calm, but my instincts are on high alert. The footsteps behind me grow louder, more deliberate, and I take a quick turn into an alleyway, hoping to lose them. But before I can even react, I'm shoved roughly against the wall, a hand clamping over my mouth to stifle any sound.

I open my eyes, fear coursing through me, only to meet a gaze I know all too well. Ashen eyes that pierce straight through me—Kawaki. His grip is firm, keeping me pinned against the wall, his other hand holding my wrists above my head. His expression is intense, almost feral, and I can feel the heat of his breath against my cheek.

"You're mine, right?" he says, his voice low and dripping with possessive intent. The aura around him feels dangerous, almost predatory. "No one can have you. Even if you were to fall into a coma, dream of someone else, then wake up again—you'd still belong to me."

The words send a chill down my spine, and I feel my heart race in my chest. There's something primal about the way he's holding me, a possessive grip that leaves no room for argument. His eyes hold me captive, and despite the fear, there's a surge of adrenaline, a twisted excitement mixed with dread.

I try to turn my head, to break free from his gaze, but his hand keeps me locked in place. The pressure on my wrists is unyielding, his strength overwhelming. It's as if he's staking his claim, ensuring I know exactly where I stand.

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