the Child and the Rabbit

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Rabbits P.O.V:

I know i should have never wondered off. But the butterfly was so pretty, but know im lost in a forest where i can see nothing but trees for miles. Im so scared in here i just wanna get out of here and back to the manner. Nothing whould make me more happier then that.... well of course theres allways my gal friend but i just want to get my gears spinning in order as they should be.

As i turned a corner i heard crying. It was definitely human because i had a emotional senser chip inside of my brain telling me wether or not a human/robot is happy or sad and it also lets me have emotions, it sometimes works for other anamatons but that only rare. I rushed to try and find the sorce and i did.....

A young male, possibly at the age of eight, brown hair dirty cloth and no shirt on was snuggled under a tree hugging a what seemed to be a picture, i slowly walking over and sat criss-cross infront of him turning my head to the side a bit "are you all right?" I asked gently trying to calm him. "N-no im lost, and scared cant you t-tell" his voice was like a whisper "why not talk about it? That can sometimes help, right?" He took a breath "- i already told you! Im lost im cold!" I bit my lip "i wish i chould help but i dont even know where we are either, i-i dont even know what time it is... or how far in we are or eve-" the young man stoped crying as i stoped talking and placed his hand on my cheek gentley feeling my metalic peices. it seemed tho that everything stopped and we where stuck like that until the boy broke the silence. "y-your a robot...." i blinked for the first time in what seemed like hours "a singing atomatom to be persist...." he smiled showing his big cute dimples "thats so cool!" we started chatting about mostley robotic things as he asked me different questions until i asked

"uh.... chould i ask you a q-q-questions" i asked "sure. but first.... why do you stutter so much?" my ears proped up as so did my eyes "really? that's a question that y-y-your going to a-a-ask?... well i-i suppose its a s-s-simple answer really: i-i-im an older atomatom, wh-whos systems are sort o-o-of damaged and g-g-glich time and time again... oh and im not the o-o-only one who glichs, there are also m-m-my brothers and the walter girls... and o-o-o-theres and ai's but not as much as me, there is alot of people who live in the W-w-walter manner" i smiled and he bit his lip "wait, you live in a manner and have brothers..." his face turned all colors "are you o-ok?" I asked "im just a little hungry. And still cold" he placed his head in his legs.

My robotic ears twitched as i heard yelling in the distence, i felt my self being pulled back away from the boy like a magnet. "RABBIT?!" before that i looked to the boy "w-whats your name?" I asked as quickly as i could "my names Dominic" what a lovely name i thought and didn't have time to say. My whole body felt like runnig to the sorce of the magnetic pull "whats yours?" He asked me. I looked back at him my glass eyes glaring in he sun "my names Rabbit"

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