Monica didn't listen

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Once upon a time, there was a girl named Monica and she was quite a wonderful girl, she always like to explore but one day she decided to go without permission from her parents she decided that she was old enough to go out but she was only 11 but her parents want her to be 15 to go out alone, but she didn't listen to them she didn't care about people talking about her while she was walking through the woods she heard a girl crying, so she ran as fast as she could, and she found a girl sitting on the ground crying and Monica looked at the girl's legs she saw a wound so Monica has no choice but to help her get up and heal her wounds before it goes dark but it was already too late to go back to her home because her mom always says "Always go home before it hits 6 pm no one knows what's happening out there" Monica began to panic because she never go out past 6 pm but she remembered that she's saving someone Monica asked "Hey, are you okay?" the girl kept crying Monica asked again "What's your name? I'm Monica by the way!" the girl finally spoked "I-I'm Lily" then Monica replied "Oh, hi Lily!" after that Lily smirked but Monica didn't noticed that it looks like Lily is planning for something bad while Monica tries to heal Lily's wound Lily kept asking her weird questions like "Why are you healing me?" "why didn't you listen to your parents?" "you weren't supposed to be born" Monica laughed into tears but Lily kept quiet Monica said "Nice joke! Hahaha" then they both went quiet after a few hours Lily was finally asleep but something kept Monica awake and thinking, but Monica ignore it and fell asleep. In the morning as Monica woke up she looked to her left and Lily wasn't there Monica got up in a flash and started to panic then she heard someone singing beautifully Monica went after the song, and she found Lily singing beside a lake Monica was in awe, but while Monica was in awe she slowly closing her eyes she felt sleepy then she said "I feel tired" she fell asleep and fell to the ground Lily saw her fell, so Lily dragged her all away to where they stayed while Lily is dragging Monica on the ground Monica was slowly waking up, but it was already too late Monica screamed but no one heard her, and no one ever saw her again after that.

                                                        BUT THE CURSE KEEPS GOING...

                                                                              THE  END

Thank you for reading!! I know this story is kind of sci-fi but it's ok. See you again in the next story!!! Byeee!!! <33

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