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That night, one of the guards changed Derek's IV. Mark lay awake on his cot thinking. He had hope that he had make a dent in Sam's armor, but he wasn't sure if he'd convinced her to help them. And Derek was running out of time.

The next morning Derek looked much worse. He was well hydrated, but it was becoming obvious that he needed serious medical attention. Sam came in mid-morning and tried to be all business.

"Oh," Mark said when he saw her, "I'm so glad you came. He looks awful. He needs to get to a hospital. Please, Sam. Please help him. Can you use your money? I'll pay you back, I swear. I'll be a doctor one day, and I'll pay you back with interest.

"I don't know......It's too risky," Sam whispered as she continued checking Derek's vitals and looked concerned about his condition.

"Not as risky as leaving him here to die," Mark said looking at her in desperation.

Sam made the mistake of looking into Mark's eyes. In that moment, she hated that she'd ever laid eyes on these Americans. The injured one was definitely attractive. Even pale and in serious condition, he had the kind of hair that made women swoon. And Mark was so tall and strong and honorable. She'd always hated what her family did. And she hated their criminality even more than ever now. Despite echoes screaming from the rational part of her mind, she seemed powerless to resist this man and those eyes........if only circumstances were different. She'd fall for him and he'd whisk her away to America.........

"I'll come back late tonight. If we get caught, we're all dead. Rest today. You'll have to carry him. A car's too risky. You'll need all your strength."

She turned to leave without risking another glance at him. Mark grabbed her elbow. "Thank you, Sam. Thank you so much. You're our only hope."

Sam hurried away wondering what in the world she'd gotten herself into.

To his surprise, Mark slept all day. He woke instantly when Sam came to check on them. She told him the plan. She helped him retrieve the watches from their hiding place and told him to be ready to leave in an instant. After checking on Derek and disconnecting his IV, she left briefly. She returned as the guards were changing shifts. She had brought a special meal for them and left it just around the corner so that they were out of sight. Both the incoming and outgoing guards were familiar with Sam's good cooking, so they were eager to partake of the meal. Seeing them occupied, Sam ducked back into the cell and motioned for Mark to come out. He picked Derek up carefully and walked out the door. Sam kept watch until they were safely out of sight, then she locked the door and ran to catch up with them.

They walked for miles. Finally they arrived at a remote village. Sam knew a doctor she could trust there. They lay Derek down in the barn and talked with the doctor. He was willing to help, but looking at Derek's condition, he knew the watches wouldn't be enough to pay for his care and transportation. He examined Derek closely. He needs an MRI. He needs to be in a hospital. I can't do this."

"Please, sir," Mark pleaded. Please help him. He's my best friend. My family."

The doctor looked sorry but hopeless, "Hospitals cost money. This won't be enough," he said, motioning to the watches.

"If you had more money, you'd help him?" Mark asked. The doctor nodded. Mark walked over to Derek. He lay his hand upon his shoulder and whispered, "Forgive me, Derek." He reached into his pocket and pulled out the engagement ring Derek had bought for his girlfriend.

"Here. It's all we've got. He was going to propose as soon as we got home. But he's got to live first. him live. We'll find a way to pay you more, please......." The doctor was touched by Mark's earnest plea. He nodded his assent.

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