Time flies

17 2 12

1 month later

Sarah glared at her bloody knuckles, feeling the wet, cold floor underneath her as she sat against a tall tree. She looked to her left, seeing the lifeless body lay still. Sarah closed her eyes for a moment, trying to find the motivation to get up. However, this was a struggle. She had been running for almost 26 days now and was feeling utterly exhausted. Nobody could have predicted the lengths the sickening group would go to, their thirst for death was intense and persistent.

"Sarah..?" Jakes voice said softly.

Sarah looked up, seeing Jake's face covered in blood. Sarah softly smiled at him, standing from the floor and looking down swiftly.

"Are you hurt?" Jake asked, embracing her into his arms.

Sarah shook her head, hugging him back briefly and stepping back.

"You?" Sarah questioned, scanning Jakes body for any injury.

Jake shook his head, looking at the body laid still on the ground.

"You had no choice...okay?" Jake gulped, attempting to reassure Sarah.

Sarah looked at the body and wiped the tear that escaped her eye. She knelt to the ground, shame filling her soul.

"Jona was a good guy.." Sarah sniffled.

Jake knelt beside her, placing a hand on Jona's corpse.

"He was...but he should've told us he was bitten." Jake said, feeling slight anger towards Jona's selfish act before his death.

The three had been attacked a few hours before by a group of the dead. Jona had managed to get bitten whilst fighting them off with his small knife, his instincts told him to keep it quiet. Truth was, Jona didn't want to harm the two in any way, but his fear clouded his decision to do the right thing.

Sarah and Jake stood from the ground, turning from Jona's body and continuing through the woods. Jake wiped Jona's blood from his face with his sleeve, looking at Sarah who had a sad look in her eye. Finally, they stepped out of the woods and looked at the army base. A sign next to the base said 'Enter at your own risk'. The two looked at one another and looked back the the sign.

"I think this is the place, right?" Sarah questioned.

Jake took the map from his bag and opened it up. He nodded and shoved the map away.

Sarah took the pistol from her pocket and checked the number of bullets left in the gun.

"5 bullets." Sarah sighed deeply.

"We don't have nowhere near enough to take down these guys. What do you propose we do?" He asked, looking at the army base fence.

Sarah looked at Jake and frowned, "I want you to stay here. I feel like I need to do this alone." She said.

Jake stepped back, shaking his head in confusion, "what? What are you talking about?! I'm coming with you." He spat, looking irritated.

Sarah grabbed Jake's shoulders, maintaining eye contact.

"If we both die in there then this will have been for nothing. If I don't come out of there, then at least you are still alive. That gives us a chance." She spoke calmly.

Jake couldn't believe sarah's suggestion, he couldn't believe she thought that she could walk out of the base alive.

"Are you sure this isn't some kind of suicide mission?" Jake said madly, "I get that Lexa is gone but"

"Jake don't. Do not bring her up. Please." Sarah interrupted, taking the safety off of the pistol and turning away from him.

"She wouldn't have wanted this."

"She's gone! She.is.gone. Don't tell me what she would or wouldn't have wanted because guess what, Jake? She isn't here!" Sarah yelled, her eyes filled with tears.

Jake felt the anger and upset radiating from Sarah's emotions, he almost felt guilty for bringing Lexa into the conversation...but he didn't want her to do this alone.

"I'm doing this alone. There is no stopping this." She turned and walked towards the army base.

Jakes eyes filled with tears, he accepted her request and stepped backwards into the woods.

Sarah knocked on the army base door loudly, "Hey! Anyone home?" She shouted.

The door suddenly opened and two men stepped out, aiming their guns at Sarah.

"Name?" One man asked.


The two men looked at each other and smirked.

"Well we've all been waiting for you. You've caused quite a mess." A woman said, stepping in front of the two men.

Sarah shrugged. "Let's get this over with."

A world of nothing Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang