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                                                                      AFTER 3 HOURS OF DRIVING

*they finally arrived*
Sam: we're here!  *looks at everyone*
*Everyone's asleep*
Sam: eh?  WAKE UP!!
*Everybody wakes up*
Andy: gosh no need to be loud
Yuji: good thing I was listening to music
Mike: guys I finished the Cheetos 
Luke: So?
Emily: we're here?
Andy: yay we're finally here!!
*All of them got down the vehicle*
Zavier: *holds Jacob's hand*
Jacob: *blushes*
Mike: ok smarty pants lead the way
Andy: Alright Cheeto boy
Andy: it looks like this is the place
Andy: it looks so scary in this forest *shivers*  *holds Yuji's arm*
Andy: *looks at Yuji*    *looks away*
Yuji: hm? ok
Emily: is it just me or it's getting dark  *holds into Luke's arm*
Luke: you're right *smile*   *puts my arm on her shoulder*
Sam: well we should find a cabin right?
Mike: yea we should be able to
Zavier: you guys are scary cats
Jacob: *holds Zavier's hand tight*
*Branch snapped*
Zavier: *protect Jacob*
*Everyone got scared*
Emily & Andy: w-what was that
Emily: *hugs Luke*

*Branch keeps snapping*
Luke: everyone stays quiet...  *protect Emily*
*Everyone went quiet*
Sam: *holds Mike's hand*
*Squirrel jumped out*
*Everyone felt relieved*
Sam: *lets go of his hand*
Zavier: *holds Jacob's hand*
Luke: ok let's keep moving  *holds Emily's hand*


                                                                   AFTER 40 MINS OF WALKING

*it's starting to get really dark*
Luke: hey guys let's turn on our flashlight
*Everybody turned their flashlight on*
Mike: finally it doesn't look so scary
Emily, Andy & Sam: what do you even mean it looks scarier
Luke: Alright everybody calm down
Mike: so what now?
Mike: Hey, Andy! look where you lead us to nothing but darkness
Luke: Hey, Mike calm down
Mike: calm down?! how am I supposed to calm down if we're in the middle of nowhere? huh?
Sam: Mike's right we don't even know where we are
Emily: yea I feel like we've been walking in a circle
Andy: I'm sorry okay? I cannot see where we are going okay?
Yuji: so you're saying you've been leading us even though you don't know where we are?
Zavier: this is dumb we shouldn't be here in the first place
Jacob: yea this is just a dumb idea
Mike: you know what? it's your fault that we got lost in this forest!
Andy: I'm sorry? 
Zavier: Yea it's your fault to begin with!
Andy: ok, now it's my fault?!
*Everybody started to argue*
Luke: Uhm guys?
Luke: *maybe I should collect some wood for a fireplace*
Luke: *explore the area to find wood*
Yuji: *notice Luke is going somewhere*  *follows him*
Luke: *maybe this one and this one*  *continues to find more wood*
Yuji: *notices something in the dark*   *shocked*
Yuji:  *he's going towards it shoot I'm gonna stop him*
Yuji: Hey, Luke!  *still looking at the dark*
Luke: hm?  *turns around*  oh, hi Yuji!
Yuji: I think that's enough wood I found some as well and don't go that far c'mon
Luke: oh, ok coming!  *goes to Yuji*
Yuji: you can go to them now   *smiles lightly*
Luke: alright you coming?
Yuji: yea right behind you
Luke: ok!  *goes to where everyone is*
Yuji: *feels relieved*  *still aware of the dark*   *what even was that*    *goes back*

                                       MEANWHILE WHAT WAS HAPPENING TO THEM

*Everyone continues to argue*
Zavier: Shut up!
*Everybody stopped*
Zavier: what are we even doing?  we're just doing nothing this isn't gonna help
*Everyone felt bad*
Mike: yea you're right arguing cannot do anything better
Emily: yea
Sam: Zavier & Mike has a point and I'm sorry
Andy: look I'm sorry I drag you all here
Mike: no I'm sorry as well for being rude to you
Jacob: Zavier say sorry
Zavier: fine, I'm sorry
Emily &  Andy: so what are we gonna do now?
Luke: *got back*  Hi guys! I'm back from getting wood
Mike: nice! I should help you   *helps Luke*
Luke: oh, no need   *smiles*
Emily: Luke! *hugs Luke*  I thought you were gone!
Luke: *hugs Emily back*  *smiles*  why would you think of that?
Luke:  Alright everyone let's make a camp! Alright everybody get moving!
*Everybody went to work*
Yuji : *got back*  Hey
Andy: Oh, hi Yuji!
Luke: welcome back!
Yuji: *goes to Luke*  Nice everyone stopped arguing
Luke: well I didn't do it when I came back everybody got well
Yuji: yea..  *what would happen if I didn't follow you..*
Mike: Alright everyone! Let's tell stories!
Luke: c'mon Yuji!  *grabs Yuji*
Yuji: *gets pulled* huh?
*Everybody sat down*

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