Chapter 3

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~time skip At Hogwarts Sky pov

We walked into the great hall so Dumbledic- uh sorry I mean Dumbledore could give his big speech. We watched the first years get sorted, there was one boy who looked familiar, his name was Noah. No last name. He got sorted into Gryffindor. When they were all sorted the feast appeared. Yay my sign to go to my dorm and 'sleep'. I was getting up to leave when Mattheo grabbed my wrist to pull me back down and asked, "where are you going."  When he asked that, all of my friends looked at me. I said, "I'm not hungry so I'm going to sleep. I'll see y'all in the common room." Enzo and Mattheo looked at me like they're not buying it. I shrugged my shoulders and walked out of the great hall. I went to the Slytherin common room, I was a prefect so I knew the password. Draco was the other prefect. I sat on the couch and stared into the fire. It was beautiful. 

Enzo pov                                                                                                                                                                                      She left, I know she wasn't going to sleep. Yes, she looked tired, but she wasn't going to sleep. Mattheo looked like he also knew that. I turned towards our group and said, "meet me in the empty classroom after dinner. It's about Sky." They nodded and continued eating.  

After dinner, I practically ran to the classroom. The rest came in as a group. "OK so, I know I'm not the only one who noticed Sky hasn't been eating. When she stayed in the Berkshire manor, she barely ate. She skips all other meals except for dinner. I'm concerned for her," I say. "I noticed that too," Draco says. Everyone agrees. "It's the first day back, we should see if she continues this behavior for the rest of the week. If she does then, we need to talk to her," Theodore says. We all nod in agreement. We walk to the common room and find Skylar laying there staring at the fire. 

Skylar pov                                                                                                                                                                                  I heard my friends come in so I sat up straight and motioned for them to sit down. "DC is better than Marvel" Blaise said when everyone sat down. "NO! MARVEL IS AMAZING! DC SUCKS!" Theodore yelled.  I chuckled. "What do you think Sky?" Enzo asks. "Fine, if we're doing this, we're having a debate. Blaise, name 5 good characters from DC. Then, Theodora, you name 5 good characters from Marvel," I say. "OK. 1. Batman," Blaise says. I cut him off and say, "No batman is stupid, continue." He scoffs and says," 2. Superman." I roll my eyes. "3. green lantern. 4. Black Canary 5. Wonder Woman," Blaise says. I respond, "Okkkk. Theodore, your turn."  He smiles and says, "1. Black Widow 2. Doctor Strange 3. Wanda 4. Wolverine 5. Captain America."  I open my mouth to say something but the door for the room opens and I see Harry. I raise an eyebrow. What is he doing here? "Look Skylar. I don't want to talk to you nor do I want to be here, but I have to tell you something outside." He says. I nod and walk out. When we get somewhere private he says, "the first year boy, Noah, is my brother, also yours I guess." Oh my fucking god. "What the actual fuck. Noah as in the Gryffindor Noah?" I ask. He nods and says, "Yes." WHOA.  Harry turns around to walk away but I ask, "Harry. Why do you ignore me." He turns around and says, "1. You're a Slytherin 2. You're the reason mom and dad died." WHAT!? 
I ask,"What do you mean I AM the reason they died?" He rolls his eyes and says, "they died for you Skylar! YET YOU ALWAYS HATED THEM! DEATH EATERS HELD THEM HOSTAGE AND THEY WANTED YOU! BUT THEY DIED FOR YOU!" With that he walks away. Why would they die for me? Wait they died for me? So it's my fault. Great.  If I had died, Harry would be happy, Noah would be happy, because mom and dad would still be there. Noah is my brother. My parents died because of me. What the fuck. I felt tears coming down my face. I ran to my dorm and slammed the door shut. I fell on my bed and cried into my pillow. I heard knocks on my door but I ignored it. They can't come in unless they know the spell. I locked the door with a spell only powerful wizards or witches know. Whoever it was kept on knocking and I kept on silently crying. I need to stop crying. I grab my knife and scratch myself again. I don't cut myself because if I do then there will be scars and people will think I'm mental.  I feel like killing myself. I stand in front of my mirror and tears come down again. I punch the mirror and fall to my knees. What's happening to me?  The person outside the door knocked even harder and yelled, "SKYLAR OPEN THE DOOR! OPEN THE GODDAMN DOOR!" It was Enzo. "SKYLAR PLEASE OPEN THE DOOR!" yelled another voice. Draco. I heard all my friends yelling for me to open the door. I can't let them see me like this.  I quickly fix my mirror and wash my face and turn on the T.V.  I open the door and say, "yes?"  They all burst through the door pushing past me and Mattheo says, "We heard a sound that seemed like glass breaking and crying!" I chuckle and say, "Oh I was just watching T.V so I didn't hear you." I feel a sharp pain in my head again but choose to ignore it. Mattheo's eyes widen. "Ok then we'll leave," He says and turns for the door. "Sky. Are you okay?" Theodore asks. I nod and say that I'm going to sleep. With that they leave. Except for Mattheo who says, "I need to talk to you, tomorrow. Astronomy tower at midnight." I nod and he leaves too.  I clean my cuts on my hand from the glass and bandage it. I lay in bed silently crying. Why did they die for me? What the hell is happening? What a crazy first day. 

A/N: THIRD CHAPTER!! Hope y'all like it! What do y'all think, DC or Marvel?

Stay safe and enjoy!


            Supreet/ mlopezarguello432 ❤

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