chapter 2/2

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Lol this been done for years thought I posted already

“Mmmff!” Josh grunted and squirmed as thick, apple-flavored slime filled his mouth and began to dribble down his chin.

“C’mon, sweetie~” Peeka coaxed. “Just relax and swallow - you must be starving~”

Breathing harshly through his nose, the canine squeezed his eyes shut and reluctantly choked down a mouthful of candy slime. He reflexively gulped down a few more mouthfuls before he started to squirm again and opened his blue eyes to cast a pleading glance at the cat.

“Aw, wants the matter, Joshy?~ Hungry for something more than green apple goo?” Peeka twitched her tail. “Don’t worry, honey, I’ve got plenty more treats for you~”

Slowly, very slowly, Peeka pulled her paw out of Josh’s mouth and reached into one of the tall cabinets that stood on either side of the control boards. “I hide plenty of candy up here for my guests…”

Josh had stood up and was trying to make a run for it, but Peeka kicked his hind paws out from under him, making him fall back into the chair. This time, Peeka conjured rope out of thin air that tied themselves around Josh’s wrists, bonding them to the arms of the chair.

The canine blushed and stared at the rope until he seemed to come to his senses again, straining against his bonds.

“Tsk tsk, trying to leave so soon? You haven’t even tried my new candy yet!” Peeka had taken a large box out of the cabinet and opened it on his lap. The box was filled with what looked like different chocolates; white, dark, milk. Many were shaped like hearts.

Peeka selected a chocolate and held it to Josh’s lips, tilting her head expectantly.

Josh set his jaw and turned up his nose. “N-no thanks, I’m not very hungry-“ He spoke through gritted teeth.

Candy apple filled his mouth again as Peeka squeezed her thumb between his teeth and forced his jaws apart. She stuffed the chocolate heart onto his tongue and watched him reluctantly chew it up.

The first chocolate heart was filled with peanut butter. It oozed out between his teeth and stuck to the roof of his mouth.

Reflex told his tongue to scrape the roof of his mouth repeatedly to remove the substance, causing Peeka to giggle as she watched. She used this opportunity to force two more candy hearts between his lips, then three, and so on.

Strawberry, vanilla, and caramel, so much chewy caramel filling flooded his maw that he expected Marvin to appear with his ghostly orange paw in his mouth.

Josh chewed until his jaw ached and reluctantly swallowed a mouthful of chocolate and filling. His stomach, half full of apple slime, was already sloshing loudly, and the force-fed chocolate wasn’t helping matters.

When the box of chocolates was empty, Peeka left it on his lap and poked her head back into the cabinet to find another treat to stuff him with.

Sighting his opening, the canine roughly swallowed a few chocolates without much chewing and blurted out:

“Peeka, we...we came to help you and Marvin move on!” A burp escaped from his mouth to punctuate his sentence, followed by a low moan. That felt so much better. “Ohh, my tummy…”

The cabinet door slammed shut, making Josh jump. Peeka’s ears had flicked up and now her tail was lashing back and forth as she loomed over him again. She bared her teeth as her glowing eyes flashed with an anger he had not seen before.

“You want me gone so that the demolition teams can tear the place down?” Peeka gripped his jaw and forced him to look at her. Josh flinched and yelped. “Huh?! Answer me, Josh! So they can finally tear down my home?!”

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2023 ⏰

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