Chapter 1 : This is life

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Nunew POV

Again, waking up to face another hectic day. Being an adult is not an easy task. Overcoming my fear. Pretending to be strong. It sucks. I need someone that I could rely on. But I never meet H.I.M.

'Auliaa wake up ..we had to deliver the flowers by today' I knock hard as my hand twisting the door knob repeatedly. She is my younger sister. Can be said a well behaved one.

'I'm there in 5 minutes'

Walking out, I start my old car engine. The sound roaming around the neighborhood. Luckily, nobody ever filed a complaint against us. Buckling the seatbelt, Aulia took a seat on the passenger side.

'Phi...can we just took a day off tomorrow..I got an exam next week'

'I told you to just stay home but you wouldn't listen'

'Im are working alone on the street'

'I can manage it by don't have to worry'

'Do you forget how you almost get hit last time?'

'It was a few months ago...'

'It still did happen...I don't know how to keep going if you leave me'

'Look Aulia... you don't have to overthink things..just put your trust on me..I'm your big brother...I should manage to provide you food and shelter'

'I just want you to find another job.. job that won't put you in danger as you are now'

'Its not easy to find a decent job nowadays' I murmured and sigh exhaustedly.

I got no choice except to keep doing this. I had to. Selling flower on the road might not give much income but it still help us filling our stomach everyday.


Zee  POV

In a car, I scroll down going through my 7 years old daughter results. Frowning, I look how his language performance fluctuate from the mid year exam.

'Foei, I told you to arrange a language teacher for sophia didn't I?

'Yes..but..I couldn't find anyone that fit in your scope' stuttering, his eyes was fixed on the road.

I sighed heavily looking out of the window. I lost my wife right after she give birth of sophia. Raising up a daughter without a mother, of course I want the best for my only daughter. Study internationally. Having an experience at least 3 years. That was all what I need.

Reaching my house, I open up my vest as I hand it on one of the sofa. 'Sophiaa!! Come down now!' I shout as she walking downstairs in a manner. She should know I am going to be angry by her results. 'Sit here' I instruct but she stand still by the staircase, shook her head lowly.

'I don't want are going to punish me' her small hand clasp together.

' deserve to... How many time did I tell you to focus on your studies'

'I don't want to study anymore' she scream as tears rolling down on his red tint cheeks uncontrollably.

Walking up to her, I set myself down on my two knees at her height. 'I have not scold you yet..but look you already cry a river' my thumb gently wipe the tears off.

' are not going to punish me?'

'I are not allowed to go out on weekend for a month'

'But you promise me to bring me to see elephant this Saturday'

'We got no choice but to cancel are not going anywhere'

'I hate you!'

' many time did I tell you to be shouldn't say those things to me ..Apologize now'

'No!..I won' break your promise' she turn around as she walk upstairs stomping his feet.

Third person POV

Creaking open the door, Sophia took a step out as her head move to the left and right sneakily. She run up to the gate and walk down the road alone.

'Its okay if daddy won't bring me..I will go by myself'

As she walking without a clear direction, she stood up at the bus station looking lost. Her hand form a fist contemplating on what next.

'Where is your parents? Why are you here alone?' nunew come closer as he notice a little girl was by herself in the crowd of people.

'I want to see elephant..but my father won't let me'

'Why would he?'

'Because I'm doing bad in my exam'

'You are not...whatever it have try your best didn't you?'

'But daddy is too stupid...he is busy going to work...he never see my effort'

'You can't say that to your's not a nice word'

'He is also not a nice daddy..he break his promise'

'Try persuading have to go back now or your father will be worried'


'Here..take this' Nunew hand a sunflower as the tiny hand grab it tight.

'Give it to your father...he will listen to you..I already put a magic spell on it'

'Will it work?'

'Of course..but you need to go back's getting darker'

'Sophiaaa!!' a loud sound was heard from behind. Nunew and Sophia turn around to see the owner of the voice. Sophia hide behind nunew legs as she grip tightly on his pants.

'Who are you sir?'

'Arr you fucking kidding me..I'm calling my daughter...can't you hear it?' zee frowning as his gaze moving down to sophia peeking in frightened. 'Come out now!!'

'You don't have to raise your voice in public...people are looking to us'

'Stop lecturing me..I know how to handle my own daughter'

'She won't end up here alone if you do know' nunew answer sarcastically not leaving zee's stare that are boiling in anger.

'Sophiaa!! I count to five..get in the car now!!' ignoring , zee ruffled through his messy hair. 'One...two...' his count was stop when the little voice cut through it.

'I want phi to come along' sophia look up to nunew in her puppy eyes.

'No he won' will be just you and me' zee said fiercely.

'Then..I won't go back'

'If you keep being disobedient, your punishment will get you want that?'

'I want phi to come!!'

'I said no!' zee held sophia arm firmly as he dragged her to the car.

'I will go' nunew voice out.

'I don't like stranger coming to my house' zee push himself in the car as he close the door hardly.


Hi lovelies 😄, sorry to keep you waiting...I was actually in the middle of something important so I might not be able to update as frequent as I do before..but here goes my another work..the way I wrote might be simpler since I got no time to study some reference before starting this. However, I'm doing my best here. Don't forget to vote and leaves comment ☘️

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